Citas bibligráficas
Pariona, E., (2018). Dinámica comunitaria macrobentónica en áreas colonizadas por Caulerpa filiformis (Subr.) Hering (Bryopsidales. Chlorophyta) en bahía Paracas - Perú [Tesis, Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina].
Pariona, E., Dinámica comunitaria macrobentónica en áreas colonizadas por Caulerpa filiformis (Subr.) Hering (Bryopsidales. Chlorophyta) en bahía Paracas - Perú [Tesis]. : Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina; 2018.
title = "Dinámica comunitaria macrobentónica en áreas colonizadas por Caulerpa filiformis (Subr.) Hering (Bryopsidales. Chlorophyta) en bahía Paracas - Perú",
author = "Pariona Icochea, Ernesto Pedro",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina",
year = "2018"
Caulerpa filiformis is a marine macroalga reported at the beginning of the 20th century on the north coast of Peru (Sechura Bay). In recent decades, its distribution has expanded to the south, reaching places such as Paracas Bay, where it is considered an invasive species. This research evaluated and compared the community structure and dynamics of macrobenthos associated with C. filiformis in two areas of Paracas Bay: one protected and the other urban. From November 2012 to December 2013, 8 monthly samples were taken haphazardly, by area, through freediving. Metallic frames were used to estimate epibenthic fauna density, macroalgae biomass, and C. filiformis cover. The biomass (3225.5+234.1 gm-2) and cover (54.8+4.4%) average of C. filiformis in the urban area were higher than in the marine protected area (2503+308.3 gm-2 and 27.6+3.4%). Population dynamics of C. filiformis were different between both areas, and did not follow a seasonal trend and was related to the habitat physical characteristics. In the marine protected area, density (6003.9+631.9 ind.m2) and richness (117 species) average of epibenthic fauna were higher than in the urban area (5132.3+541.8 ind.m-2 and 145 species). Community dynamics was the same in both areas and no significant differences were found among community descriptors. Macroalgae biomass was significantly higher (426.93+84.08 g.m-2) in the marine protected area than in the urban area (95.49+29.65 g.m-2). The number of species was very similar (19 and 18). Macroalgae community structure and dynamics were different between both areas, and did not follow a seasonal pattern. The abundance of C. filiformis had a positive effect on the epibenthic fauna density and richness, and a negative effect on the macroalgae biomass and richness
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