Bibliographic citations
Nava, G., (2022). Influencia del concentrado soluble de pescado sobre el crecimiento de Litopenaeus vannamei en etapa de engorde [Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina].
Nava, G., Influencia del concentrado soluble de pescado sobre el crecimiento de Litopenaeus vannamei en etapa de engorde []. PE: Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina; 2022.
title = "Influencia del concentrado soluble de pescado sobre el crecimiento de Litopenaeus vannamei en etapa de engorde",
author = "Nava Avendaño, Guillermo Alonso",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina",
year = "2022"
The objective of this thesis was to establish the fish soluble concentrate (FSC) influence on the Pacific white shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) growth to assess biometric parameters during the comparison of three diets entailed the partial replacement of fishmeal (FM) by fish soluble concentrate (FSC).The diets included amounts by 25% FSC + 75% FM (FD), 50% FSC and FM (FA) and 75% FSC + 25% FM (FB) and one control 100% FM (FC) and were evaluated in 4 repetitions each one carried out in the shrimp field ATISA Company in PuertoPizarro, Tumbes. The experimental phase began at the density of 140 shrimp.m-3 density exposed to constantaeration (O2 > 5.0 mg L-1) and controlled temperature (30.68±0.5 ºC) when the organisms registered a total individual mean weight of 0.5±0.02 g. For 45 days, physicochemical parametric values were evaluated. Biometric controls were carried out each week, and individual weights became registered; on the other hand, the survival rate and weight of uneaten food were monitored daily. All the collected data (biometrics and water quality) were processed by the R statistical program using a one-way ANOVA analysis, and t-Student test with a confidence level of 95%. A completely randomized design (CRD) was performed. After completing the experimental evaluation, final weights of 9.22±0.68 g were acquired for F A, 11.37±0.85 g for F B, 8.99±0.97 g for F C (control), and 9.35±0.47 g for F D with absolute growth rate (AGR) equal to: 0.20±0.02 mg day-1, 0.25±0.01 mg day-1, 0.20±0.02 mg day-1, and 0.21±0.01 mg day-1 and feed conversion ratio (FCR) equivalent to: 1.41±0.75, 1.71±0.87, 1.41±0.73, and 1.41±0.66 respectively. No significant differences among treatments were observed based on water quality parameters. The FB presented a remarkable difference in FCR, biomass, and average weight over the others and from control, predominantly.
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