Bibliographic citations
Meza, A., (2018). Estrategias comerciales para fortalecer la cadena productiva de la quinua orgánica en el distrito de Acobamba - Huancavelica [Tesis, Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina].
Meza, A., Estrategias comerciales para fortalecer la cadena productiva de la quinua orgánica en el distrito de Acobamba - Huancavelica [Tesis]. : Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina; 2018.
title = "Estrategias comerciales para fortalecer la cadena productiva de la quinua orgánica en el distrito de Acobamba - Huancavelica",
author = "Meza Rodríguez, Aliver",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina",
year = "2018"
This research aims to evaluate the productive chain of organic quinoa and commercial strategies to recommend administrative measures aimed at increasing the profitability of producers in the province of Acombaba, Huancavelica. The method used in this investigation was Descriptive -Exploratory, because it describes the current situations of the productive chain of organic quinoa to give a better overview of reality and is explored and investigated because it is necessary so there is not much information about the topic to investigate.The results of the study concluded that farmers in Puno and Arequipa lead the nation's offer of quinoa in Peru. At the level of the Acombaba district, farmers have a good training in the production of quinoa, with their average yield in the last period 2015-2016 of 1429 kilograms per hectare. The result also indicates that only 50% of respondents could sell their production at a price that ranges from 4.50 to 4.80 soles per kilogram. The strategies formulated in this research to improve the commercialization of the organic quinoa of the producers is to promote regional fairs and attend organic fairs where they seek to spread their production of quinoa. A very important strategy that is also formulated is to create a collection center to gather all the production of the area and so that the purchasing companies can arrive directly and eliminate the intermediary agents that damage the price to the producers. And so with these strategies formulated to go from selling the kilo of organic quinoa from 4.50 to 6 soles
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