Bibliographic citations
Cárdenas, D., (2024). Micronutrientes y algas marinas en el rendimiento y calidad de frijol castilla (Vigna unguiculata) bajo condiciones de Chancay – Huaral [Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina].
Cárdenas, D., Micronutrientes y algas marinas en el rendimiento y calidad de frijol castilla (Vigna unguiculata) bajo condiciones de Chancay – Huaral []. PE: Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina; 2024.
title = "Micronutrientes y algas marinas en el rendimiento y calidad de frijol castilla (Vigna unguiculata) bajo condiciones de Chancay – Huaral",
author = "Cárdenas Torres, Doris Nelida",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina",
year = "2024"
The present research work was carried out in the department of Lima, province of Huaral, district of Chancay, Hatillo populated center. The objective of the research work was to determine the yield and quality of the Castilla Bean crop using micronutrients "Microsil" and Seaweed "Almarin" applied in different doses separately and in a mixture, evaluating variables of the crop under study: Number of pods per plant, number of grains per pod, number of locules per pod, weight of 100 grams of seeds, harvest index, plant height, pod length, leaf dry matter, stem dry matter and fruit dry matter to determine the effect of foliar application of marine algae (Eklonia maxima and Laminaria digitata.) and micronutrients on the quality and yield parameters of castilla beans. The experimental statistical design that was used in the investigation was the DBCA, with 7 treatments and 4 repetitions with a total of 28 experimental units. Most of the treatments used in the eight variables evaluated to determine the quality and yields of the bean crop had no significant statistical difference with respect to the control treatment T0, however, the treatments T4 (Microsil at 1 l/200l), T6 ( Almarin 1 l/200l + Microsil 1 l/200l) and T5 (Almarin 500 ml/200l + Microsil 500 ml/200l) had statistical significance on the variables: number of pods per plant with 25.3, length of pods with 18.06 cm and stem dry matter with 16.29% compared to the other treatments and variables evaluated.
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