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Gómez, N., (2023). Los elementos pesados en la producción sustentable de la piña (Ananas comosus) en Poroto, La Libertad [Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina].
Gómez, N., Los elementos pesados en la producción sustentable de la piña (Ananas comosus) en Poroto, La Libertad []. PE: Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina; 2023.
title = "Los elementos pesados en la producción sustentable de la piña (Ananas comosus) en Poroto, La Libertad",
author = "Gómez Arroyo, Nélson Enrique",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina",
year = "2023"
Title: Los elementos pesados en la producción sustentable de la piña (Ananas comosus) en Poroto, La Libertad
Authors(s): Gómez Arroyo, Nélson Enrique
Advisor(s): Loli Figueroa, Oscar Oswaldo
Keywords: Indicadores
OCDE field:
Issue Date: 2023
Institution: Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina
Abstract: El presente estudio se realizó en el distrito de Poroto, región La Libertad con el objetivo de determinar la sustentabilidad del cultivo de piña y caracterizar los suelos considerando la presencia de elementos pesados. Poroto, distrito de la provincia de Trujillo cuenta con un área de 276.01 km2; y una población de 3 413 habitantes, aproximadamente. Para el estudio se consideró 16 localidades, se realizó una encuesta a productores de piña la que incluye aspectos socio culturales, económico y ambiental para determinar la sustentabilidad del cultivo de piña usando el método de indicadores. Para la determinación de los niveles de concentración de elementos pesados (Pb, Cd y Cr) se tomó muestras de suelo, de agua de riego y frutos de piña. Los resultados nos indican que las concentraciones de Cd y Cr, exceden los límites permisibles de los Estándares de Calidad Ambiental en todos los suelos muestreados, los niveles más altos de Pb y Cd en suelo están asociados a las localidades de Poroto, Con Con 1 y Con Con 2, suelos más fértiles; y los niveles más altos de Cr y más bajos de Cd están asociados a las localidades de Guayabito, Campo Piura, Canseco y Mochalito, zonas más áridas. En el agua de riego y pulpa de frutos, las concentraciones de Pb y Cd exceden los parámetros máximos de calidad ambiental. Los niveles altos de Cr en el agua de riego están asociados a las localidades de Mochalito y Samne. Los niveles altos en Cr y Pb en pulpa de frutos están asociados a las localidades de Plazapampa y Mishirihuanca. Existe una contaminación de los suelos debido al aporte elevado y constante de Cd por el agua de riego. El cultivo de piña es sustentable, en las dimensiones económico, sociocultural y ambiental, debido al acceso y facilidades al mercado.
The present study was carried out in the district of Poroto, La Libertad region with the objective of determining the sustainability of pineapple cultivation and characterizing the soils considering the presence of heavy elements. Poroto, district of the province of Trujillo has an area of 276.01 km2; and a population of 3 413 inhabitants, approximatly. For the study, 16 localities were considered, and a survey was carried out with pineapple producers that includes socio-cultural, economic and environmental aspects to determine the sustainability of pineapple cultivation using the indicator method. Soil, irrigation water and pineapple fruit samples were taken to determine the concentration levels of heavy elements (Pb, Cd and Cr). The results indicate that the concentrations of Cd and Cr exceed the permissible limits of the Environmental Quality Standards in all sampled soils, the highest levels of Pb and Cd in soil are associated with the localities of Poroto, Con Con 1 and Con Con 2, more fertile soils; and higher levels of Cr and lower levels of Cd are associated with the more arid areas of Guayabito, Campo Piura, Canseco and Mochalito. In irrigation water and fruit pulp, concentrations of Pb and Cd exceed maximum environmental quality parameters. High levels of Cr in irrigation water are associated with the towns of Mochalito and Samne. High levels in Cr and Pb in fruit pulp are associated with the localities of Plazapampa and Mishirihuanca. There is soil contamination due to the high and constant contribution of Cd by irrigation water. Pineapple cultivation is sustainable, in economic, socio-cultural and environmental dimensions, due to access and facilities to the market.
The present study was carried out in the district of Poroto, La Libertad region with the objective of determining the sustainability of pineapple cultivation and characterizing the soils considering the presence of heavy elements. Poroto, district of the province of Trujillo has an area of 276.01 km2; and a population of 3 413 inhabitants, approximatly. For the study, 16 localities were considered, and a survey was carried out with pineapple producers that includes socio-cultural, economic and environmental aspects to determine the sustainability of pineapple cultivation using the indicator method. Soil, irrigation water and pineapple fruit samples were taken to determine the concentration levels of heavy elements (Pb, Cd and Cr). The results indicate that the concentrations of Cd and Cr exceed the permissible limits of the Environmental Quality Standards in all sampled soils, the highest levels of Pb and Cd in soil are associated with the localities of Poroto, Con Con 1 and Con Con 2, more fertile soils; and higher levels of Cr and lower levels of Cd are associated with the more arid areas of Guayabito, Campo Piura, Canseco and Mochalito. In irrigation water and fruit pulp, concentrations of Pb and Cd exceed maximum environmental quality parameters. High levels of Cr in irrigation water are associated with the towns of Mochalito and Samne. High levels in Cr and Pb in fruit pulp are associated with the localities of Plazapampa and Mishirihuanca. There is soil contamination due to the high and constant contribution of Cd by irrigation water. Pineapple cultivation is sustainable, in economic, socio-cultural and environmental dimensions, due to access and facilities to the market.
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Note: Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Escuela de Posgrado. Maestría en Agricultura Sustentable
Discipline: Agricultura Sustentable
Grade or title grantor: Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Escuela de Posgrado
Grade or title: Magister Scientiae - Agricultura Sustentable
Juror: Apaza Tapia, Walter Eduardo; Bazán Tapia, Luis Rubén; Casas Díaz, Andrés Virgilio
Register date: 28-Dec-2023
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