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Cordova, J., (2016). Determinación del volumen útil del embalse Purapa en la Subcuenca Vichaycocha [Tesis, Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina].
Cordova, J., Determinación del volumen útil del embalse Purapa en la Subcuenca Vichaycocha [Tesis]. : Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina; 2016.
title = "Determinación del volumen útil del embalse Purapa en la Subcuenca Vichaycocha",
author = "Cordova Gonzales, Jhan Douglas",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina",
year = "2016"
Title: Determinación del volumen útil del embalse Purapa en la Subcuenca Vichaycocha
Authors(s): Cordova Gonzales, Jhan Douglas
Advisor(s): Fano Miranda, Gonzalo Ramces
Keywords: Lima (dpto); Canta (prov); Huaral (prov); subcuenca vichaycocha; Embalse purapa; Vólumen útil; Embalses; Cuencas hidrograficas; Cuencas hidrograficas; Cuencas hidrográficas; Propiedades mecánicas; Rsistencia mecánica; Almacenamiento de agua; Mecánica de fluideos; Construcciones hidráulicas; Volúmen; Evaluación; Perú
Issue Date: 2016
Institution: Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina
Abstract: En el presente trabajo se busca determinar la capacidad de almacenamiento requerida para el vaso proyectado en la subcuenca Vichaycocha, denominado embalse Purapa, el cual permitirá incrementar la oferta hídrica en la cuenca Chancay-Huaral durante los meses de estiaje. (M) El método utilizado para el cálculo del volumen útil del embalse fue el de “picos secuenciales”, para lo cual es necesario tener definida la oferta hídrica en el punto de interés y la demanda que se espera atender desde el embalse. La generación de caudales en el eje donde se ubica el cierre o boquilla del vaso se realizó mediante el modelo precipitación-escorrentía denominado “soil moisture method” que viene incorporado en el software Water Evalution and Planning (WEAP). Los datos de la estación hidrométrica Santo Domingo se utilizaron para la calibración y validación del modelo hidrológico. Por el lado de la demanda hídrica, se consideró el caudal ecológico y las necesidades para el uso agrícola y poblacional. (R) Como resultado, se obtuvo que el vaso Purapa requiere de un volumen útil de 6.0 hm3 (seis millones de metros cúbicos) y mediante la simulación de operación del embalse se comprobó que dicha capacidad permite contar con una garantía de bastecimiento de la demanda de prácticamente 100% (temporal y volumétrica) (C) Se concluye que el método de picos secuenciales permitió definir de manera rápida y sencilla la capacidad de almacenamiento para el vaso Purapa, resultado que debe considerarse como primera aproximación en la fase de evaluación técnica y económica del proyecto.
The present work aims to determine the storage capacity required for future reservoir in Vichaycocha subbasin, called “Purapa” reservoir, which will seek to increase the water supply in Chancay-Huaral basin uring the dry season. (M) The method used to calculate the active storage of the reservoir was "sequent peak analysis", in which inflows and outflows from the reservoir should be set previously. Simulation of natural flows in the river from the drainage basin was performed by precipitation-runoff model "soil moisture method" that is incorporated in the Water Evaluation and Planning (WEAP) software. Data from Santo Domingo flow gauge were used for calibration and validation of the hydrological model. On the other hand, water demand comprises ecological flow and requirements for agricultural and population purposes. (R) As a result, an active volume of 6.0 mcm (six million cubic meters) was obtained for Purapa reservoir and through the simulation of the reservoir it was verified that this capacity allows a water demand coverage and reliability of almost 100% (C) It is concluded that the sequent peak analysis is a simple method that allows to determine the storage capacity of Purapa reservoir, a result that should be considered as a first approximation in the feasibility study of the project.
The present work aims to determine the storage capacity required for future reservoir in Vichaycocha subbasin, called “Purapa” reservoir, which will seek to increase the water supply in Chancay-Huaral basin uring the dry season. (M) The method used to calculate the active storage of the reservoir was "sequent peak analysis", in which inflows and outflows from the reservoir should be set previously. Simulation of natural flows in the river from the drainage basin was performed by precipitation-runoff model "soil moisture method" that is incorporated in the Water Evaluation and Planning (WEAP) software. Data from Santo Domingo flow gauge were used for calibration and validation of the hydrological model. On the other hand, water demand comprises ecological flow and requirements for agricultural and population purposes. (R) As a result, an active volume of 6.0 mcm (six million cubic meters) was obtained for Purapa reservoir and through the simulation of the reservoir it was verified that this capacity allows a water demand coverage and reliability of almost 100% (C) It is concluded that the sequent peak analysis is a simple method that allows to determine the storage capacity of Purapa reservoir, a result that should be considered as a first approximation in the feasibility study of the project.
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Note: Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Facultad de Ingeniería Agrícola. Departamento Académico de Recursos Hídricos
Discipline: Recursos Hídricos
Grade or title grantor: Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Facultad de Ingeniería Agrícola
Grade or title: Ingeniero Agrícola
Register date: 6-Feb-2017
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