Bibliographic citations
Cavero, L., (2022). Método del ciclo de Deming para la mejora del proceso de reclutamiento y selección de personal en GESSERCO SAC [Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina].
Cavero, L., Método del ciclo de Deming para la mejora del proceso de reclutamiento y selección de personal en GESSERCO SAC []. PE: Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina; 2022.
title = "Método del ciclo de Deming para la mejora del proceso de reclutamiento y selección de personal en GESSERCO SAC",
author = "Cavero Almanza, Lucero",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina",
year = "2022"
The present work was developed in the company GESSERCO SAC when it won a tender with OSINERGMIN to provide the Recruitment and Selection of Personnel service, in the year 2018 (February - August). The main objective was the application of the Deming cycle method for the improvement of the Personnel Recruitment and Selection process in GESSERCO SAC, for which the initial situation (CAS01 - CAS32) was first analyzed, since in the CAS29 there were difficulties and with the end of the CAS32 the month was closed and the reports of imposed penalties were monthly. In the clauses of the contract, it indicated that the amount of penalties could not exceed 10% of the total amount of the contract, otherwise it would cause its resolution; Until CAS 32, the penalties represented 62.73% of what was allowed, which is why the application of the Deming cycle method is proposed, a method that includes four steps; plan, in which the problem was identified (excess errors within the process), the problem was observed and analyzed through the ISHIKAWA method, wher6e the probable causes of this were identified (high workload, poor distribution of roles within of the work team, lack of commitment of some workers with the service provided, lack of understanding of evaluation criteria of resumes by the team personnel), then the action plan was developed; in the 2nd stage (do) the action plan was launched; in the 3rd stage (verification) the reduction of errors within the process in its different stages was observed; in the 4th stage (action) the actions that were effective were standardized. It was concluded that, after the application of the Deming cycle, the process was improved, reducing errors by 56.7%.
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