Bibliographic citations
Quinteros, N., (2023). Sistematización de las investigaciones en áreas naturales protegidas para la planificación y gestión eficaz: caso, reserva paisajista Nor Yauyos Cochas [Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina].
Quinteros, N., Sistematización de las investigaciones en áreas naturales protegidas para la planificación y gestión eficaz: caso, reserva paisajista Nor Yauyos Cochas []. PE: Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina; 2023.
title = "Sistematización de las investigaciones en áreas naturales protegidas para la planificación y gestión eficaz: caso, reserva paisajista Nor Yauyos Cochas",
author = "Quinteros Camacho, Norma Luz",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina",
year = "2023"
The research carried out had the general objective of analysing the scientific production developed in the Nor Yauyos Cochas Landscape Reserve (NYCLR) during the period between 2005-2020, based on a systematic review, with an objective of improving actions and measures for effective management planning of this natural area. The methodology used was descriptive with a qualitative approach. The scheme employed was non-experimental based in the transversal method oriented to collecting research papers in a determined period. The research of information demanded a systematic review of scientific articles, publications, theses and research. Databases such as Scopus, Science Direct, Scielo, Jstor, Dialnet, as well as institutional repositories such as MINAM, CONCYTEC, SUNEDU, among others, Were taken as a reference. The terms “Nor Yauyos Cochas Landscape Reserve”, “Nor Yauyos Cochas”, “conservation”, “studies” or permutations of them were used to conduct the search. A total of 207 documents were found, which were later systematized in 14 categories. The 19,32 percent were scientific articles, followed by a 17.39 percent of institutional publications and a 63,29 percent of theses and research papers. The articles were found in 28 international and Peruvian scientific journals and magazines, which are indexed in international and national databases. Out of the 131 scientific papers and theses carried out in the NYCLR, 63 were authorised from the Protected Natural Area- PNA - being the years 2018 and 2019 when the most permits were given. The category with the most research belonged to "characterisation of the Biological Diversity and Applied Ecology" having a total of 19, closely followed by "vision and cultural valorisation of the territory" with 16, "management and exploitation of the natural resources" with 14 and "public policies, institutionalization, planification and management" with 15, whereas in the last years there's been a new interest in topics such as "geosciences, geomatics and applied engineering to natural resources" as well as "management of hydrological resources and preservation of vulnerable ecosystems", "climate change and risk management" and “natural heritage and ecosystem services”. The delivery of final reports for permits issued by the PNA was about 42 percent which is rated as "medium". Regarding the use of the information collected in the documents only 15 percent of the total was used. It is concluded that the use of information is due to a lack of systematization, which is one of the priorities for the ANP.
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