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Castagnino, C., (2021). Productividad e innovación en el crecimiento del sector agropecuario peruano: 2008 - 2016 [Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina].
Castagnino, C., Productividad e innovación en el crecimiento del sector agropecuario peruano: 2008 - 2016 []. PE: Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina; 2021.
title = "Productividad e innovación en el crecimiento del sector agropecuario peruano: 2008 - 2016",
author = "Castagnino Pastor, Claudio Stefano Sabino",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina",
year = "2021"
Title: Productividad e innovación en el crecimiento del sector agropecuario peruano: 2008 - 2016
Authors(s): Castagnino Pastor, Claudio Stefano Sabino
Advisor(s): Linares Salas, Agapito
Keywords: Sector agrario; Economía agrícola; Producción; Innovación; Mejora; Factores de producción; Innovación agrícola; Desarrollo agropecuario; Perú
OCDE field:
Issue Date: 2021
Institution: Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina
Abstract: El objetivo de la investigación es determinar la incidencia de la productividad, la innovación tecnológica, la asignación de capital físico del gobierno y la tasa crecimiento poblacional en el crecimiento de la producción agropecuaria de la población económicamente activa ocupada del sector en Perú. Se enmarca en la línea de investigación de la maestría de Economía Agrícola: Política, economía y productividad, y comprende el periodo 2008 - 2016 con información de las regiones del Perú, excepto el Callao, valorada en soles del 2007. La metodología comprende la función de producción del modelo de Solow y el modelo de Cobb-Douglas. Se encontró un decrecimiento en los interceptos de productividad e innovación tecnológica 17.17 en 2008, 15.96 en 2016 (Modelo de Solow), 7.79 en 2008 y 5.61 en 2016 (Modelo de Cobb-Douglas). El gasto público agropecuario per cápita presentó una sensibilidad creciente de 0.32 en 2008 a 0.36 en 2016 (Solow), 0.22 en 2008 a 0.33 en 2016 (Cobb-Douglas), posiblemente ante un decrecimiento de la población rural ocupada y una tendencia negativa de la tasa de crecimiento poblacional: 4.24 de 2008 a 4.12 en 2016 (Solow). En conclusión, el gasto público per cápita agropecuario incremento el crecimiento agropecuario per cápita, mientras tanto la productividad e innovación tecnológica y la tasa de crecimiento poblacional decrecieron su contribución. La evidencia empírica indico una tendencia de mayor importancia del gasto público per cápita sobre la productividad e innovación tecnológica, característico de un país no desarrollado y que no tomó el camino al desarrollo. Tal vez, la disminución de la productividad y la innovación tecnológica persistió debido a la pobre gestión en la inversión pública agropecuaria en un modelo económico del sector de escasa productividad e innovación tecnológica entre 2008 y 2016.
The goal of the research is to determine the impact of productivity, technological innovation, allocation of physical capital of government, and population growth rate on the growth of agricultural production of economically active population employed in Peru. It is part of the research line of the Master's degree in Agricultural Economics: Politics, Economics and Productivity, and covers the period 2008 - 2016 with information from the regions of Peru, except Callao, valued in 2007 soles of Peru. The methodology comprises the production function of the Solow model and the Cobb-Douglas model. We founded a decrease in the intercepts of productivity and technological innovation of 17.17 in 2008, 15.96 in 2016 (Model of Solow), 7.79 in 2008 and 5.61 in 2016 (Model of Cobb-Douglas). I founded a decrease in the coefficients of productivity and technological innovation of 17.17 in 2008, 15.96 in 2016 (Model of Solow), 7.79 in 2008 and 5.61 in 2016 (Model of Cobb-Douglas). Agricultural public expenditure per capita showed an increased sensitivity from 0.32 in 2008 to 0.36 in 2016 (Solow), 0.22 in 2008 to 0.33 in 2016 (Cobb-Douglas), possibly in the face of a decrease in the employed rural population, and a negative trend in the population growth rate: from 4.24 in 2008 to 4.12 in 2016 (Solow). To sum up, public agricultural spending per capita increased agricultural growth per capita, meanwhile productivity and technological innovation, and population growth rate decreased their contribution. The empirical evidence indicates a tendency of the greater importance of public expenditure over productivity and technological innovation, characteristic of an undeveloped country that did not take the path to development. Perhaps, the decline in productivity and technological innovation persisted due to poor management of public agricultural spending in a sector economic model of low productivity and technological innovation from 2008 to 2016.
The goal of the research is to determine the impact of productivity, technological innovation, allocation of physical capital of government, and population growth rate on the growth of agricultural production of economically active population employed in Peru. It is part of the research line of the Master's degree in Agricultural Economics: Politics, Economics and Productivity, and covers the period 2008 - 2016 with information from the regions of Peru, except Callao, valued in 2007 soles of Peru. The methodology comprises the production function of the Solow model and the Cobb-Douglas model. We founded a decrease in the intercepts of productivity and technological innovation of 17.17 in 2008, 15.96 in 2016 (Model of Solow), 7.79 in 2008 and 5.61 in 2016 (Model of Cobb-Douglas). I founded a decrease in the coefficients of productivity and technological innovation of 17.17 in 2008, 15.96 in 2016 (Model of Solow), 7.79 in 2008 and 5.61 in 2016 (Model of Cobb-Douglas). Agricultural public expenditure per capita showed an increased sensitivity from 0.32 in 2008 to 0.36 in 2016 (Solow), 0.22 in 2008 to 0.33 in 2016 (Cobb-Douglas), possibly in the face of a decrease in the employed rural population, and a negative trend in the population growth rate: from 4.24 in 2008 to 4.12 in 2016 (Solow). To sum up, public agricultural spending per capita increased agricultural growth per capita, meanwhile productivity and technological innovation, and population growth rate decreased their contribution. The empirical evidence indicates a tendency of the greater importance of public expenditure over productivity and technological innovation, characteristic of an undeveloped country that did not take the path to development. Perhaps, the decline in productivity and technological innovation persisted due to poor management of public agricultural spending in a sector economic model of low productivity and technological innovation from 2008 to 2016.
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Note: Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Escuela de Posgrado. Maestría en Economía Agrícola
Discipline: Economía Agrícola
Grade or title grantor: Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Escuela de Posgrado
Grade or title: Magister Scientiae - Economía Agrícola
Juror: Tapia y Figueroa, María de Lourdes; Diez Matallana, Ramón; Guillén Vidal, Luis Alberto
Register date: 4-Nov-2021
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