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Ccahuana, F., (2024). Aplicación de concentrados y extractos a base de algas marinas como estimulantes vegetales [Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina].
Ccahuana, F., Aplicación de concentrados y extractos a base de algas marinas como estimulantes vegetales []. PE: Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina; 2024.
title = "Aplicación de concentrados y extractos a base de algas marinas como estimulantes vegetales",
author = "Ccahuana Cordova, Franz",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina",
year = "2024"
Title: Aplicación de concentrados y extractos a base de algas marinas como estimulantes vegetales
Authors(s): Ccahuana Cordova, Franz
Advisor(s): García Bendezú, Sady Javier
Keywords: Algas marinas
OCDE field:
Issue Date: 2024
Institution: Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina
Abstract: El presente estudio abordará el tema de la aplicación de concentrados y extractos a base de algas marinas como estimulantes vegetales en los diferentes cultivos. En el manejo de los cultivos se presenta como un factor limitante para el éxito del cultivo el estrés, este puede ser ocasionado por un factor biótico o abiótico. El estrés abiótico puede ser ocasionado por el clima, por condiciones salinas del suelo o mal riego; ocasiona que las plantas no expresen su máximo potencial reflejado en el final de la campaña en un menor rendimiento de producción. Ante esta problemática, se evalúa los concentrados y extractos a base de algas marinas, dado que éstos al desarrollarse en un medio marítimo como un ambiente de gran estrés, han generado que los concentrados de algas marinas desarrollen 27 sustancias naturales con efectos similares a hormonas vegetales; agentes quelatantes como ácidos algínicos, fúlvicos y manitol, vitaminas, compuestos biocidas y alrededor de 5000 enzimas, lo cual lo convierte en el complejo enzimático natural más completo (Crouch y Van Standen, 1992). El estudio evalúo ensayos con concentrados y extractos a base de algas marinas de acuerdo a un formato de información de la empresa QUIAGRAL S.A.C., características del cultivo, suelo, y con la selección del tipo de producto de algas marinas se identificaron la mejora en variables como altura de las plantas, brotes, desarrollo radicular, productividad, entre otros. Cabe resaltar que se pueden demostrar mayores beneficios con múltiples ensayos con más de 25,000 especies identificadas de algas marinas, entre algas pardas rojas y verdes. Las algas pardas se usan en la agricultura y se encuentran especies como Fucus spp, Laminaria spp., Ascophyllum nodosum, Sargassum spp. y Turbinaria spp.
The present study will address the issue of the application of concentrates and extracts based on seaweed as plant stimulants in different crops. In crop management, stress is presented as a limiting factor for crop success; it can be caused by a biotic or abiotic factor. Abiotic stress can be caused by the climate, saline soil conditions or poor irrigation: it causes the plants not to express their maximum potential, reflected at the end of the campaign in a lower production yield. Given this problem, concentrates and extracts based on seaweed are evaluated. Since these have been developed in a highly stressful maritime environment, they have caused the seaweed concentrates to develop 27 natural substances with effects similar to plant hormones; chelating agents such as alginic, fulvic and mannitol acids, vitamins, biocidal compounds and around 5000 enzymes, which makes it the most complete natural enzyme complex (Crouch and Van Standen, 1992). The study evaluated trials with concentrates and extracts based on seaweed according to an information format from the company QUIAGRAL S.A.C. Characteristics of the crop, soil and with the selection of the type of seaweed product, the improvement in variables such as height was identified of plants, shoots, root development, productivity, among others. It should be noted that greater benefits can be demonstrated with multiple trials with more than 25,000 identified species of marine algae, including red and green brown algae. Brown algae are used in agriculture and species such as Fucus spp, Laminaria spp., Ascophyllum nodosum, Sargassum spp. and Turbinaria spp.
The present study will address the issue of the application of concentrates and extracts based on seaweed as plant stimulants in different crops. In crop management, stress is presented as a limiting factor for crop success; it can be caused by a biotic or abiotic factor. Abiotic stress can be caused by the climate, saline soil conditions or poor irrigation: it causes the plants not to express their maximum potential, reflected at the end of the campaign in a lower production yield. Given this problem, concentrates and extracts based on seaweed are evaluated. Since these have been developed in a highly stressful maritime environment, they have caused the seaweed concentrates to develop 27 natural substances with effects similar to plant hormones; chelating agents such as alginic, fulvic and mannitol acids, vitamins, biocidal compounds and around 5000 enzymes, which makes it the most complete natural enzyme complex (Crouch and Van Standen, 1992). The study evaluated trials with concentrates and extracts based on seaweed according to an information format from the company QUIAGRAL S.A.C. Characteristics of the crop, soil and with the selection of the type of seaweed product, the improvement in variables such as height was identified of plants, shoots, root development, productivity, among others. It should be noted that greater benefits can be demonstrated with multiple trials with more than 25,000 identified species of marine algae, including red and green brown algae. Brown algae are used in agriculture and species such as Fucus spp, Laminaria spp., Ascophyllum nodosum, Sargassum spp. and Turbinaria spp.
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Note: Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Facultad de Agronomía. Departamento Académico de Suelos
Discipline: Agronomía
Grade or title grantor: Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Facultad de Agronomía
Grade or title: Ingeniero Agrónomo
Juror: Espinoza Nuñez, Erick; Siura Céspedes, Saray; Coronado Matutti, Karin Cecilia
Register date: 22-Jan-2024
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