Bibliographic citations
Cortés, P., (2015). Producción de tanasa de Aspergillus niger mediante un sistema de fermentación por adhesión a superficie (FAS) [Tesis, Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina].
Cortés, P., Producción de tanasa de Aspergillus niger mediante un sistema de fermentación por adhesión a superficie (FAS) [Tesis]. : Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina; 2015.
title = "Producción de tanasa de Aspergillus niger mediante un sistema de fermentación por adhesión a superficie (FAS)",
author = "Cortés Avendaño, Paola Marlene",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina",
year = "2015"
The present research aimed at the production of tannase enzyme by Aspergillus niger ATCC 10864 in a Surface Adhesion Fermentation (SAF) system, with the following culture conditions: 40 mL culture medium; temperature 28 ° C; incubation time 96 hours; initial pH 5.5; stirring velocity 175rpm. Three inoculum concentrations (105, 106 and 107 spores/ml) and three concentrations of tannic acid (3, 5 and 7%) for 96 hours of fermentation (0, 24, 48, 72 and 96) was evaluated, results were analyzed statistically as a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) 3x3x5 with factorial arrangement and three replications. For each treatment it were measured extracellular enzymatic activity (U/L), biomass (g/L), extracellular soluble protein (g/L), specific absorption of biomass (g/g), residual tannic acid (%),biomass yield and specific enzymatic activity (U/mg) as the main comparative parameters. and specific enzyme activity 1.064 U/mg. The results show that using inoculum concentration of 107 spores/ml, an initial tannic acid concentration of 3% a maximum of extracellular tannase activity was obtained (125.646 U/L) at 96 hours of fermentation. Moreover the amount of biomass was 6.22g/L, extracellular soluble protein 0.126g/L, specific absorption of biomass 0.849 g/g, residual tannic acid of 84.61%, biomass yield of 2.8. Furthermore using inoculum concentration of 106 (spores/ml) at a concentration of tannic acid of 3% greater specific enzyme activity of 1,064 IU/mg was obtained for 96 hours fermentation.
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