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Cairampoma, J., (2021). Análisis de sequías usando series sintéticas en la cuenca del río Mantaro [Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina].
Cairampoma, J., Análisis de sequías usando series sintéticas en la cuenca del río Mantaro []. PE: Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina; 2021.
title = "Análisis de sequías usando series sintéticas en la cuenca del río Mantaro",
author = "Cairampoma Amaro, José Antonio",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina",
year = "2021"
Title: Análisis de sequías usando series sintéticas en la cuenca del río Mantaro
Authors(s): Cairampoma Amaro, José Antonio
Advisor(s): Fano Miranda, Gonzalo Ramcés
Keywords: Sequías; Cursos de agua; Circulación del agua; Ordenación de aguas; Disponibilidad del agua; Agua; Medición; Precipitación atmosférica; Modelos matemáticos; Modelos de simulación; Estimación; Técnicas de predicción; Construcciones hidráulicas; Perú; Cuenca del Río Mantaro
OCDE field:
Issue Date: 2021
Institution: Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina
Abstract: La sequía es un fenómeno complejo que es caracterizada por pocas variables aleatorias correlacionadas, el cálculo de su ocurrencia basado en el análisis univariado no puede dar cuenta de las correlaciones significativas entre las variables. Por lo que, la investigación tuvo como objetivo caracterizar los eventos de sequías en la cuenca del río Mantaro bajo el enfoque bivariado. Para lo cual se usaron datos de precipitación mensual de 43 estaciones meteorológicas agrupadas en cuatro zonas homogéneas: cuenca Alta, Baja, media Este y media Oeste. La metodología consideró el análisis de la homogeneidad y tendencias de las series, la aplicación del método de Box-Jenkins, para modelos autorregresivos de medias móviles, con la finalidad de generar 500 años de series sintéticas, el cálculo del índice de precipitación estandarizado para sequías a corto plazo (SPI-3) y Largo plazo (SPI-12), identificación de las variables, periodo con siete distribuciones, mientras que para el análisis bivariado se probaron tres cópulas, finalmente se calculó el periodo de retorno univariado y bivariado. Como resultado se obtuvo cuatro series sintéticas validadas de precipitación mensual (RMSE < 27.59; R2 > 72.9 %; r > 85.4 %), las funciones de distribución más apropiadas para las cuatro variables en estudio fueron la de Pareto Generalizado, Weibull, Log Normal y Pearson. De igual manera las cópulas más convenientes fueron Clayton y Frank. Para el SPI-3 se encontró que los eventos moderados tienen un periodo de retorno bivariado disyuntivo menor de 10 años en la cuenca Baja, cuenca media Este y cuenca media Oeste, sin embargo, para la cuenca Alta los eventos moderados tienen un periodo de retorno menor de 20 años, concluyendo que los eventos de sequía moderados son más ocurrentes en la Cuenca Baja y Media que en la Cuenca Alta. Así mismo, para el SPI- 12, se encontró que los periodos de retorno bivariado disyuntivo de estos eventos tienen una ocurrencia menor de 20 años en la cuenca Baja y cuenca media Este, sin embargo, la ocurrencia de estos eventos es mayor a 20 años para la cuenca media Oeste y cuenca Alta, sugiriendo que los eventos severos tienen más probabilidad de ocurrencia en la cuenca Baja y media Este. Mientras que para los eventos extremos no existe diferencias.
Drought is a complex phenomenon that is characterized by few correlated random variables; the calculation of its occurrence based on univariate analysis cannot account for significant correlations between the variables. Therefore, the objective of the research was to characterize the drought events in the Mantaro river basin under the bivariate approach. For which monthly precipitation data from 43 meteorological stations grouped in four homogeneous zones were used: Upper, Lower, Middle East and Middle West basin. The methodology considered the analysis of the homogeneity and trends of the series, the application of the Box-Jenkins method, for autoregressive models of moving averages, in order to generate 500 years of synthetic series, the calculation of the standardized precipitation index for droughts short-term (SPI-3) and Long-term (SPI-12), identification of variables, the period between droughts, duration, severity and intensity. Univariate and bivariate analysis and finally the calculation of the univariate and bivariate return period. As a result, four validated synthetic series of monthly precipitation were obtained (RMSE <27.59; R2> 72.9%; r> 85.4%), the most appropriate distribution functions for the four variables under study were Generalized Pareto, Weibull, Log Normal and Pearson. Similarly, the most suitable copula was Clayton and Frank. For the SPI-3 it was found that moderate events have a disjunctive bivariate return period of less than 10 years in the Lower Basin, Middle East Basin and Middle West Basin, however, for the Upper Basin moderate events have a return period under 20 years of age, concluding that moderate drought events are more prevalent in the Lower and Middle Basin than in the Upper Basin. Likewise, for the SPI-12, it was found that the disjunctive bivariate return periods of these events have an occurrence of less than 20 years in the Lower Basin and the Middle East Basin, however, the occurrence of these events is greater than 20 years for the Midwest basin and the upper basin, suggesting that severe events are more likely to occur in the lower and middle eastern basin. While for extreme events there are no differences
Drought is a complex phenomenon that is characterized by few correlated random variables; the calculation of its occurrence based on univariate analysis cannot account for significant correlations between the variables. Therefore, the objective of the research was to characterize the drought events in the Mantaro river basin under the bivariate approach. For which monthly precipitation data from 43 meteorological stations grouped in four homogeneous zones were used: Upper, Lower, Middle East and Middle West basin. The methodology considered the analysis of the homogeneity and trends of the series, the application of the Box-Jenkins method, for autoregressive models of moving averages, in order to generate 500 years of synthetic series, the calculation of the standardized precipitation index for droughts short-term (SPI-3) and Long-term (SPI-12), identification of variables, the period between droughts, duration, severity and intensity. Univariate and bivariate analysis and finally the calculation of the univariate and bivariate return period. As a result, four validated synthetic series of monthly precipitation were obtained (RMSE <27.59; R2> 72.9%; r> 85.4%), the most appropriate distribution functions for the four variables under study were Generalized Pareto, Weibull, Log Normal and Pearson. Similarly, the most suitable copula was Clayton and Frank. For the SPI-3 it was found that moderate events have a disjunctive bivariate return period of less than 10 years in the Lower Basin, Middle East Basin and Middle West Basin, however, for the Upper Basin moderate events have a return period under 20 years of age, concluding that moderate drought events are more prevalent in the Lower and Middle Basin than in the Upper Basin. Likewise, for the SPI-12, it was found that the disjunctive bivariate return periods of these events have an occurrence of less than 20 years in the Lower Basin and the Middle East Basin, however, the occurrence of these events is greater than 20 years for the Midwest basin and the upper basin, suggesting that severe events are more likely to occur in the lower and middle eastern basin. While for extreme events there are no differences
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Note: Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Escuela de Posgrado. Maestría en Recursos Hídricos
Discipline: Recursos Hídricos
Grade or title grantor: Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Escuela de Posgrado
Grade or title: Magister Scientiae - Recursos Hídricos
Juror: Chávarri Velarde, Eduardo Abraham; Mejía Marcacuzco, Jesús Abel; Apaclla Nalvarte, Ricardo
Register date: 20-Sep-2021
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