Bibliographic citations
Caldas, B., (2019). Caracterización de plantaciones experimentales de Mauritia flexuosa "aguaje" en Tingo María, Perú [Tesis, Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina].
Caldas, B., Caracterización de plantaciones experimentales de Mauritia flexuosa "aguaje" en Tingo María, Perú [Tesis]. : Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina; 2019.
title = "Caracterización de plantaciones experimentales de Mauritia flexuosa "aguaje" en Tingo María, Perú",
author = "Caldas De la Cruz, Brayan André",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina",
year = "2019"
The aguajales play an important role in the ecosystem at the same time gives financial support to the human populations, nowadays the harvest methods have been causing disappearance of female plants in natural populations, so an alternative to this problem it would start with aguaje plantations. The information about the plantations of aguaje in the country, it is still scarce, so the study willl contribute to start the management of this species. The research was carried out in three experimental plantations of Mauritia flexuosa “aguaje” of 11 years old, located in the Center of Investigation and Production Tulumayo, district Pueblo Nuevo, province Leoncio Prado, region Huanuco, at an altitude of 612 m.s.n.m. The objectives were characterize the experimental plantations, estimate the production of fruits in the experimental plantations and determine the soil fertility of experimental plantations of Mauritia flexuosa. The results of the soils of the plantations under study, allow us indicate that the soils have a medium fertility, which allows working with this species in the soils of the Peruvian jungle, regarding the growth of the plants, there is a predominance female plants over male, the average height was in a range of 9,5 m to 11 m, the number of leaves on average for the three plantations was in 13 to 16 leaves, reference to the stipe, the diameter in average was in a range of 54 to 56 cm, the production of fruits occurs more in plants with stipe already defined. The average number of bunches per plant ranged from 3,7 to 4,6, with an estimated production of 2,52, 5,375 and 3,650 t / plantation respectively.
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