Bibliographic citations
Patiño, D., (2023). Micropropagación de banano (Musa acuminata aaa) cv. ‘Williams’ mediante biorreactores Rita®: respuesta a reguladores de crecimiento [Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina].
Patiño, D., Micropropagación de banano (Musa acuminata aaa) cv. ‘Williams’ mediante biorreactores Rita®: respuesta a reguladores de crecimiento []. PE: Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina; 2023.
title = "Micropropagación de banano (Musa acuminata aaa) cv. ‘Williams’ mediante biorreactores Rita®: respuesta a reguladores de crecimiento",
author = "Patiño Troncos, Diego Alvaro",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina",
year = "2023"
Bananas are native to Southeast Asia and are one of the main commodities in the world. It has a deficient vegetative propagation system where significant economic losses are reported due to pathogenic agents. Using micropropagation methods significantly improves field yield and fruit quality. It was proposed to use RITA® bioreactors from Temporary Immersion Systems (TIS) to obtain a high multiplication coefficient of excellent quality shoots. The objective of this research was to evaluate the response of the banana cultivar 'Williams' to micropropagation under the RITA® temporary immersion bioreactor system in the multiplication stage. It was evaluated in three experiments, (1) different densities of explants in liquid culture medium in RITA® bioreactors, (2) different liquid culture medium in RITA® bioreactors and (3) solid culture medium in hermetically closed containers with explants from the previous experiment. The research was carried out at the Institute of Biotechnology of the National Agrarian University La Molina. 75 explants were used in the first experiment, 64 explants in the second experiment and 96 explants in the third experiment. Explants corresponding to the fourth subculture of the banana in vitro introduction from the Institute of Biotechnology were used. When analyzing the results, after 21 days of cultivation, it was possible to demonstrate the advantage of using TIS instead of solid culture medium, presenting significant differences in the multiplication of banana cv 'Williams'.
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