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Estrada, I., (2022). Aligeramiento de envases de PET para aplicación en el embotellado de bebidas carbonatadas [Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina].
Estrada, I., Aligeramiento de envases de PET para aplicación en el embotellado de bebidas carbonatadas []. PE: Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina; 2022.
title = "Aligeramiento de envases de PET para aplicación en el embotellado de bebidas carbonatadas",
author = "Estrada Ríos, Isabel",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina",
year = "2022"
Title: Aligeramiento de envases de PET para aplicación en el embotellado de bebidas carbonatadas
Authors(s): Estrada Ríos, Isabel
Advisor(s): Vargas Delgado, Luis Fernando
Keywords: Botellas; Plásticos; Procesamiento; Botellas de plástico; Escamas de Pet; Bebidas carbónicas; Bebidas carbonatadas
OCDE field:
Issue Date: 2022
Institution: Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina
Abstract: Debido al incremento, en los últimos años, de políticas y planes medioambientales a nivel global, muchas industrias se ven en la necesidad de optimizar sus procesos, con el fin de disminuir el uso de materiales contaminantes como los plásticos; para mantenerse vigentes y a la vanguardia frente a las exigencias del nuevo mercado. Una de las maneras más eficientes para reducir el consumo de plásticos es el manejo de la materia prima, en especial, de las preformas de PET, que serán sopladas para ser utilizadas como envase; ya que, a un menor peso, tienen un menor costo ambiental como un menor costo monetario. El presente trabajo tuvo como principal objetivo evaluar el efecto de la reducción del peso (de 23,7 gramos a 19,7 gramos). de los envases de PET utilizados en el envasado de bebidas carbonatadas de 500 ml, lo que se logró por medio de cuatro pruebas básicas que fueron: (a) Prueba de apariencia; (b) Prueba de presión interna; (c) Prueba de “Stress Cracking” y (d) Pruebas de carbonatación. El resultado de la prueba de apariencia fue que el cambio de gramaje en la preforma no es percibido por los consumidores. Tanto, los envases generados a partir de las preformas estándar de 23,7 gramos: como de las aligeradas de 19,7 gramos, demostraron superar las pruebas de presión interna y de “Stress cracking”, evidenciando una resistencia similar. Sin embargo, durante las pruebas de carbonatación, se observan diferencias entre los envases obtenidos de ambas preformas, pues los envases aligerados llegaron antes al nivel crítico; pero dentro de los límites aceptables. En conclusión, el aligeramiento de la preforma no tuvo un efecto significativo sobre los resultados de las pruebas realizadas.
Due to the increase, in recent years, of environmental policies and plans at a global level, many industries are in need of optimizing their processes, in order to decrease the use of polluting materials such as plastics; to stay current and at the forefront of the demands of the new market. One of the most efficient ways to reduce the consumption of plastics is the handling of raw materials, especially PET preforms, which will be blown to be used as packaging; since, at a lower weight, they have a lower environmental cost as a lower monetary cost. The main objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of weight reduction (from 23,7 grams to 19,7 grams). of the PET containers used in the packaging of 500 ml carbonated beverages, which was achieved by means of four basic tests, which were: (a) Appearance test; (b) Internal pressure test; (c) “Stress Cracking” test and (d) Carbonation tests. The result of the appearance test was that the change in grammage in the preform is not perceived by consumers. Both, the packages generated from the standard preforms of 23,7 grams: as well as the lightened ones of 19,7 grams, were shown to pass the internal pressure and “Stress cracking” tests, showing similar resistance. However, during the carbonation tests, differences are observed between the packages obtained from both preforms, since the lightweight packages reached the critical level earlier; but within acceptable limits. In conclusion, the lightening of the preform did not have a significant effect on the results of the tests carried out
Due to the increase, in recent years, of environmental policies and plans at a global level, many industries are in need of optimizing their processes, in order to decrease the use of polluting materials such as plastics; to stay current and at the forefront of the demands of the new market. One of the most efficient ways to reduce the consumption of plastics is the handling of raw materials, especially PET preforms, which will be blown to be used as packaging; since, at a lower weight, they have a lower environmental cost as a lower monetary cost. The main objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of weight reduction (from 23,7 grams to 19,7 grams). of the PET containers used in the packaging of 500 ml carbonated beverages, which was achieved by means of four basic tests, which were: (a) Appearance test; (b) Internal pressure test; (c) “Stress Cracking” test and (d) Carbonation tests. The result of the appearance test was that the change in grammage in the preform is not perceived by consumers. Both, the packages generated from the standard preforms of 23,7 grams: as well as the lightened ones of 19,7 grams, were shown to pass the internal pressure and “Stress cracking” tests, showing similar resistance. However, during the carbonation tests, differences are observed between the packages obtained from both preforms, since the lightweight packages reached the critical level earlier; but within acceptable limits. In conclusion, the lightening of the preform did not have a significant effect on the results of the tests carried out
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Note: Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Facultad de Industrias Alimentarias. Departamento Académico de Ingeniería de Alimentos y Productos Agropecuarios
Discipline: Industrias Alimentarias
Grade or title grantor: Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Facultad de Industrias Alimentarias
Grade or title: Ingeniero en Industrias Alimentarias
Juror: Salas Valerio, Walter; Campos Gutierrez, David; Betalleluz Pallardel, Indira
Register date: 21-Jun-2022
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