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Bernaola, C., (2024). Sincronización de celo en cuyes (Cavia porcellus) con progesterona oral [Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina].
Bernaola, C., Sincronización de celo en cuyes (Cavia porcellus) con progesterona oral []. PE: Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina; 2024.
title = "Sincronización de celo en cuyes (Cavia porcellus) con progesterona oral",
author = "Bernaola Rodriguez, Cindy Ferggie",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina",
year = "2024"
Title: Sincronización de celo en cuyes (Cavia porcellus) con progesterona oral
Authors(s): Bernaola Rodriguez, Cindy Ferggie
Advisor(s): Alvarado Malca, Armando Enrique
Keywords: Cuyes
OCDE field:
Issue Date: 2024
Institution: Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina
Abstract: El objetivo de la investigación fue evaluar la respuesta a la sincronización de celo en cuyes mediante el suministro de progesterona oral. La presente investigación se realizó en el Programa Nacional de Cuyes del INIA. Se realizaron 2 experimentos para los cuales se utilizaron 216 hembras y 59 machos. En el 1er experimento se usaron 186 hembras, divididas en 2 lotes de 93 hembras, y éstas a su vez en tres tratamientos (T0, T1 y T2) de 31 hembras cada uno, también se utilizaron 49 machos para el empadre dirigido (1 macho por 3 hembras y machos de reemplazos). En el 2do experimento se utilizaron 30 hembras, de las cuales 15 fueron sincronizadas y 15 en empadre continuo (celo natural), los machos fueron 10, de los cuales 5 fueron para empadre dirigido, 3 para empadre continuo y 2 reemplazos. En el 1er experimento los tratamientos fueron T1: brindar hormona en el alimento, T2: brindar hormona directa al cuy, y T0: sin hormona. Los resultados del 1er experimento fueron que la prueba de Ji cuadrado no encontró diferencia estadística entre las frecuencias de presencia de celo entre T1 versus T0 en primerizas de lote I, mientras que en hembras de lote II sí se encontró diferencia estadística entre T1 versus T0 a favor del T1, tanto en el lote I como II el T2 versus T0 tuvo diferencia estadística a favor del T2; asimismo T1 versus T2 no tuvo diferencia estadística para hembras de 1er, 2do y 3er parto ambos lotes con respuestas positivas a sincronización; la taza de preñez en ambos lotes para 1er parto tuvo diferencia estadística a favor del T1 y T2 contra el T0, asimismo para 1er, 2do y 3er parto en ambos lotes no hubo diferencia estadística entre T1 versus T2; el análisis de variancia demostró diferencia estadísticas entre los tamaños de camadas por tratamientos. En el experimento II el T1: hembras sincronizadas y el T2: empadre controlado, la respuesta fue del 100% de sincronización en T1, la taza de preñez bajo Ji cuadrado no tuvo diferencia estadística entre tratamientos, el análisis de varianza para tamaño de camada no presentó diferencias estadísticas entre tratamientos, la presencia de celo tuvo mayor respuesta al 4to día post hormona en ambos experimentos. Se concluye que el uso de progesterona oral es efectivo en sincronización de celo sin diferencia en la forma de brindarla y que permite el manejo por lotes de los animales.
The objective of the present study was to determine the estrus synchronization response in guinea pigs with the administration of oral progesterone. The study was carried out at the National Guinea Pig Program in INIA. Two experiments were tested, 216 female guinea pigs and 59 males were used. The first experiment used 186 females, two batches of 93 in groups of 31 per treatment (T0: without hormone, T1: hormone in food and T2: oral hormone administration to the guinea pig) and 49 males for direct mating. In the 2nd experiment, 30 female guinea pigs (T1:15 synchronized and T2: 15 in continuous mating) and 10 males were used. Using the Ji square test, in the 1st experiment there was no statistical difference between the frequencies of the presence of heat in T1 versus T0 in gilts from batch I, while in batch II there was a statistical difference in favor of T2; likewise, T1 versus T2 had no statistical difference in the 3 stages for both batches, but being positive for synchronization; the pregnancy rate in both batches for 1st calving had a statistical difference in favor of T1 and T2 versus T0, likewise for 1st , 2nd and 3rd calving in both batches showed no statistical difference between T1 versus T2. However, with an analysis of variance there was a statistical difference between litter sizes per treatment. Experiment II reported 100% synchronization (T1), the pregnancy rate had no statistical difference between treatments, also the litter size did not present statistical differences between treatments, the presence of heat was greater on the 4th day post hormone in both experiments. It is concluded that the use of oral progesterone is effective in synchronizing heat.
The objective of the present study was to determine the estrus synchronization response in guinea pigs with the administration of oral progesterone. The study was carried out at the National Guinea Pig Program in INIA. Two experiments were tested, 216 female guinea pigs and 59 males were used. The first experiment used 186 females, two batches of 93 in groups of 31 per treatment (T0: without hormone, T1: hormone in food and T2: oral hormone administration to the guinea pig) and 49 males for direct mating. In the 2nd experiment, 30 female guinea pigs (T1:15 synchronized and T2: 15 in continuous mating) and 10 males were used. Using the Ji square test, in the 1st experiment there was no statistical difference between the frequencies of the presence of heat in T1 versus T0 in gilts from batch I, while in batch II there was a statistical difference in favor of T2; likewise, T1 versus T2 had no statistical difference in the 3 stages for both batches, but being positive for synchronization; the pregnancy rate in both batches for 1st calving had a statistical difference in favor of T1 and T2 versus T0, likewise for 1st , 2nd and 3rd calving in both batches showed no statistical difference between T1 versus T2. However, with an analysis of variance there was a statistical difference between litter sizes per treatment. Experiment II reported 100% synchronization (T1), the pregnancy rate had no statistical difference between treatments, also the litter size did not present statistical differences between treatments, the presence of heat was greater on the 4th day post hormone in both experiments. It is concluded that the use of oral progesterone is effective in synchronizing heat.
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Note: Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Escuela de Posgrado. Maestría en Producción Animal
Discipline: Producción Animal
Grade or title grantor: Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Escuela de Posgrado
Grade or title: Magister Scientiae - Producción Animal
Juror: Vargas Morán, Jorge Rafael; Cabrera Villanueva, Próspero Celestino; Morón Barraza, Jonathan Alejandro
Register date: 19-Mar-2024
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