Bibliographic citations
Ramírez, E., (2016). Génesis, morfología, clasificación y susceptibilidad de suelos de la parte media de la cuenca del río Abujao Región Ucayali [Tesis, Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina].
Ramírez, E., Génesis, morfología, clasificación y susceptibilidad de suelos de la parte media de la cuenca del río Abujao Región Ucayali [Tesis]. : Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina; 2016.
title = "Génesis, morfología, clasificación y susceptibilidad de suelos de la parte media de la cuenca del río Abujao Región Ucayali",
author = "Ramírez Zumaeta, Euclides Raúl",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina",
year = "2016"
The present study was carried out in the middle basin of the river Abujao, in order to obtain a reliable source of information to a more efficiently management of the existing natural resources. The objectives were: characterizing soils physically and morphologically, and grouping taxonomically the soils of the area in order to define its use and relate them to their degree of development; analyzing the mineralogy of soils and relate them to their origin and development, and identifying and defining the susceptibility of soils to spoilage. The methodology was based on the "Soil Survey Manual, 1993", and the taxonomic classification according to "Soil Taxonomy, 2014", in addition to using the multivariate method (MINAM, 2011) to determine the susceptibility of soils. Seventeen soil series, one the order of Entisols, thirteen of Inceptisols and three of Ultisols, were identified; moreover, by mineralogical analysis it showed that the presence of the mineral albite (feldspar) predisposes these soils to be less developed in its order, and soils with presence of rutile (titanium oxide), were considered as very developed. Those soils with clay as montmorillonite and illite are soils with a moderate development, all of them with respect to their taxonomic order. Respect to its land susceptibility, the study area shows three levels: Light, with strong stability due to its geological and slope of less than 8%; Moderate, subject to its slope 8-25% and its geological formation of moderate stability; and High Susceptibility, developed in landforms with over 25% slopes and sandy soils.
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