Bibliographic citations
Vizarreta, G., (2021). Evaluación de riesgo tóxico y ecotoxicológico de la Laguna Quiulacocha en el Distrito Simón Bolívar, Departamento de Pasco, Perú [Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina].
Vizarreta, G., Evaluación de riesgo tóxico y ecotoxicológico de la Laguna Quiulacocha en el Distrito Simón Bolívar, Departamento de Pasco, Perú []. PE: Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina; 2021.
title = "Evaluación de riesgo tóxico y ecotoxicológico de la Laguna Quiulacocha en el Distrito Simón Bolívar, Departamento de Pasco, Perú",
author = "Vizarreta Luna, Guillermo Alonso",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina",
year = "2021"
This research evaluated the toxic and ecotoxicological risks in water and sediment samples from the Quiulacocha lagoon, located in Pasco-Peru, during the dry (August) and rainy (February) seasons. The toxic risk assessment was done by the comparison of total metal concentrations, obtained from the Inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission Spectroscopy (ICP-AES), with Peruvian and Canadian environmental standards. It was found that the following metals: arsenic, cadmium, copper, chromium, nickel, lead, thallium, and zinc, represent toxic risks for human health. The ecotoxicological risk assessment was performed by determining the risk quotients (RQ), using the “Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure” (TCLP) and the bioassays: Daphnia magna (OCSPP 850.1010), Lactuca sativa (EPA/600/3-88/029) and Vibrio fischeri (BioTox™ WaterTox™ EVO). For all the bioassays, the water sample collected during dry season presented the lowest values of mean Lethal Concentration (LC50) and mean Inhibition Concentration (IC50). Daphnia magna bioassay, LC50 = 0.096 percent was obtained, for Lactuca sativa; IC50 = 6.90 percent (germination), IC50 = 2.09 percent (radicle), IC50 = 3.12 percent (hypocotyl) and for Vibrio fischeri; IC50 = 0.15 percent. The acute toxicity classification indicated that most of the samples were within the toxicity range “HIGH” to “VERY HIGH”. Finally, unacceptable ecotoxicological risks (RQ > 1) were obtained for the metals: aluminum (2,08), iron (202,13), manganese (52,03), zinc (27,36) for rainy season; and aluminum (18,89), cooper (2,85), strontium (2,13), iron (4394,73), manganese (1866,27), zinc (1225,29) for dry season. On the other hand, in the leached of sediment samples were: aluminum (3,19), arsenic (1,86), iron (452,33), lead (12,96), zinc (1,24) for rainy season; and aluminum (6,29), arsenic (14,82), strontium (1,06), iron (4605,75), manganese (22,65), lead (19,22), zinc (14,24) for dry season.
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