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Osorio, K., (2022). Cambio climático y calidad del agua de la parte baja del río Lurín, empleando el sistema Aquatool [Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina].
Osorio, K., Cambio climático y calidad del agua de la parte baja del río Lurín, empleando el sistema Aquatool []. PE: Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina; 2022.
title = "Cambio climático y calidad del agua de la parte baja del río Lurín, empleando el sistema Aquatool",
author = "Osorio Díaz, Kátherine Jeannette",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina",
year = "2022"
Title: Cambio climático y calidad del agua de la parte baja del río Lurín, empleando el sistema Aquatool
Authors(s): Osorio Díaz, Kátherine Jeannette
Advisor(s): Ramos Fernández, Lía; Vela Cardich, Rosemary
Keywords: Agua; Calidad del agua; Hidrología; Cambio climático; Recursos hídricos; Cuencas hidrográficas; Evaluación; Perú; Río Lurín; Modelo Hidrológico Tetis
OCDE field:
Issue Date: 2022
Institution: Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina
Abstract: La cuenca costera y árida del río Lurín presenta dificultades en la gestión del recurso hídrico, afectando la agricultura y ganadería, principales actividades económicas. El objetivo del estudio fue evaluar los efectos del cambio climático en la calidad del agua de la cuenca baja del río, bajo diferentes escenarios al 2020-2050. El downscaling estadístico de las proyecciones de precipitación y temperatura de seis modelos climáticos globales del CMIP5, bajo tres escenarios de emisión (RCP 2.6, 4.5 y 8.5) junto con información geográfica, se ingresaron al modelo hidrológico distribuido TETIS; resultando en caudales proyectados que fueron ingresados al sistema AQUATOOL para proyectar la calidad de agua según RCP. Para el 2020-2050, se espera en las cuencas baja y media que: la precipitación aumente a 94- 472 mm, la temperatura aumente hasta 3 °C y la evapotranspiración se reduzca a 988-1191 mm y 1036-1311 mm con históricos de 985-1203 mm y 1111-1243 mm, respectivamente. En el caudal anual proyectado en la cuenca media, se espera en el periodo seco (con histórico 0,2-2,8 m3 /s) un aumento a: 0,4-11,4 m3 /s; 0,4-11,9 m3 /s y 0,4-11,1 m3 /s para los RCP 2.6, 4.5 y 8.5, respectivamente. Además, la calidad de agua del río Lurín proyectada disminuiría en el recorrido aguas abajo por mayor presencia de contaminantes, con julio-septiembre como el periodo más crítico por el menor caudal proyectado durante el año; sin embargo, respecto al histórico (2018-2019), dicha calidad de agua proyectada mejoraría debido al aumento de caudal en el periodo seco, con variaciones máximas en: la OD de 4 mg/l; la DBO5, de -386 mg/l (RCP 2.6); la E. coli, de -9,3x104 NMP/100 ml (RCP 4.5); los coliformes termotolerables, de -3,3x105 NMP/100 ml y los coliformes totales, de -1,8x106 NMP/100 ml (RCP 8.5); pero sin cumplir el estándar de calidad ambiental para agua de riego de vegetales y bebida de animales
Lurin’s river basin, a coastal arid basin, hinders water resources management in quantity and quality, affecting the development of its main economic activities: agriculture and cattle. Climate change effects on water quality in basin’s lower zone under different scenarios to 2020-2050, were analyzed. The statistical downscaling of precipitation and temperature projections of six global climate models (GCM) from the CMIP5, under three representative concentration pathways (RCP 2.6, 4.5 and 8.5) together with geographic information, were TETIS distributed hydrological model’s inputs; then, the projected river flow outputs were entered into AQUATOOL’s system modules to get projected water quality under different scenarios. By 2020-2050, it is expected in the lower and middle basin’s zones that: rainfall would increase (94-472 mm), temperature would increase until 3 °C and evapotranspiration would decrease (988-1191 mm and 1036-1311 mm in comparison with historical data 985- 1203 mm and 1111-1243 mm, respectively). In the projected annual river flow in the middle zone, an increase is expected mainly at dry period (with historical data 0,2-2,8 m3 /s) with values for: RCP 2.6, from 0,4 to 11,4 m3 /s; RCP 4.5, from 0,4 to 11,9 m3 /s and RCP 8.5, from 0,4 to 11,1 m3 /s. Furthermore, the closer to the river mouth you get, the lower is the water quality during the year due to the higher number of pollution dumpings; besides, the most critical period would be july-september because it has the lower projected river flow among the year. However, in comparison to the historical data (2018-2019), downstream projected water quality would show an improvement thanks to the increased river flow at dry period, with maximum variations at: DO, of 4 mg/l; BOD5, of -386 mg/l (RCP 2.6); E. coli, of -9,3x104 CFU/100 ml (RCP 4.5); thermotolerant coliforms, of -3,3x105 NMP/100 ml and total coliforms, of -1,8x106 NMP/100 ml (RCP 8.5); but without satisfying environmental quality standards for vegetable irrigation and cattle drinking water.
Lurin’s river basin, a coastal arid basin, hinders water resources management in quantity and quality, affecting the development of its main economic activities: agriculture and cattle. Climate change effects on water quality in basin’s lower zone under different scenarios to 2020-2050, were analyzed. The statistical downscaling of precipitation and temperature projections of six global climate models (GCM) from the CMIP5, under three representative concentration pathways (RCP 2.6, 4.5 and 8.5) together with geographic information, were TETIS distributed hydrological model’s inputs; then, the projected river flow outputs were entered into AQUATOOL’s system modules to get projected water quality under different scenarios. By 2020-2050, it is expected in the lower and middle basin’s zones that: rainfall would increase (94-472 mm), temperature would increase until 3 °C and evapotranspiration would decrease (988-1191 mm and 1036-1311 mm in comparison with historical data 985- 1203 mm and 1111-1243 mm, respectively). In the projected annual river flow in the middle zone, an increase is expected mainly at dry period (with historical data 0,2-2,8 m3 /s) with values for: RCP 2.6, from 0,4 to 11,4 m3 /s; RCP 4.5, from 0,4 to 11,9 m3 /s and RCP 8.5, from 0,4 to 11,1 m3 /s. Furthermore, the closer to the river mouth you get, the lower is the water quality during the year due to the higher number of pollution dumpings; besides, the most critical period would be july-september because it has the lower projected river flow among the year. However, in comparison to the historical data (2018-2019), downstream projected water quality would show an improvement thanks to the increased river flow at dry period, with maximum variations at: DO, of 4 mg/l; BOD5, of -386 mg/l (RCP 2.6); E. coli, of -9,3x104 CFU/100 ml (RCP 4.5); thermotolerant coliforms, of -3,3x105 NMP/100 ml and total coliforms, of -1,8x106 NMP/100 ml (RCP 8.5); but without satisfying environmental quality standards for vegetable irrigation and cattle drinking water.
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Note: Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Escuela de Posgrado. Maestría en Recursos Hídricos
Discipline: Recursos Hídricos
Grade or title grantor: Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Escuela de Posgrado
Grade or title: Magister Scientiae - Recursos Hídricos
Juror: Ingol Blanco, Eusebio; Apaclla Nalvarte, Ricardo; Velásquez Bejarano, Teresa
Register date: 29-Apr-2022
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