Bibliographic citations
Pizarro, M., (2022). Determinación de la época de cosecha óptima para la obtención de semilla de Ají Escabeche (Capsicum baccatum var. pendulum) [Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina].
Pizarro, M., Determinación de la época de cosecha óptima para la obtención de semilla de Ají Escabeche (Capsicum baccatum var. pendulum) []. PE: Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina; 2022.
title = "Determinación de la época de cosecha óptima para la obtención de semilla de Ají Escabeche (Capsicum baccatum var. pendulum)",
author = "Pizarro Quispe, Marco Antonio",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina",
year = "2022"
This work had two phases, the first was in the facilities of the Regional Institute of Agrarian Development "Fundo Don German" and the second in the facilities of the Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina in order to determine the optimal harvest to obtain quality seeds for “ají escabeche” (Capsicum baccatum var. pendulum.), evaluating the parameters of seed quality (weight, size, germination percentage and seedlings) and fruit quality (weight and size), at the different stages of fruit ripening (early, medium, full and after ripening or dehydrated); in each third of the plant. In the evaluations it was found that fruit weight and size were better in the first third of the plant, regardless of ripening stage. The average fruit ripening was 167 days after transplanting and 47.3 days after anthesis, the fruits of the first third took longer to ripen compared to the following thirds. In terms of seed characteristics, the number of seeds in the fruit was constant and averaged 124, regardless of the stage of maturation and position on the plant. However, not all were developed. As demonstrated in the percentage of moisture, the seeds of the first stages of maturation showed higher moisture content and decreased according to the stage (87 % half ripe berry-fruit , 55.8 % in ripe berry-fruit and 7 % in the dehydrated berry-fruit); Also, the germination percentage in the dry berry-fruit was better, reaching 90 % in some cases and better normal seedlings were found for these treatments, concluding that the seeds of the dry berry-fruit was better seed quality, followed by fruits with ripe berry-fruit.
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