Bibliographic citations
Puente, E., (2021). Efecto de diferentes densidades de cultivo en el crecimiento y comportamiento de juveniles de Lenguado Paralichthys adspersus (STEINDACHNER, 1867) bajo condiciones de laboratorio [Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina].
Puente, E., Efecto de diferentes densidades de cultivo en el crecimiento y comportamiento de juveniles de Lenguado Paralichthys adspersus (STEINDACHNER, 1867) bajo condiciones de laboratorio []. PE: Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina; 2021.
title = "Efecto de diferentes densidades de cultivo en el crecimiento y comportamiento de juveniles de Lenguado Paralichthys adspersus (STEINDACHNER, 1867) bajo condiciones de laboratorio",
author = "Puente Aquije, Engler Horeb",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina",
year = "2021"
The sole Paralichtys adspersus, endemic of Peruvian and Chilean coasts, is a species with high commercial value and high potential in aquaculture. Studies indicate the feasibility of its breeding in controlled environments. Assessment of population densities and behavior of this species under laboratory conditions can provide important sources of information to be used for an adequate management of this hydrobiological resource in its natural environment as well as in captivity. 150 juvenile specimens 180 days after hatching were used, which were distributed into treatments consisting of 5, 10, 15 and 20 individuals per tank with three replicates per treatment. Individuals were evaluated biometrically and ethologically. The biometric analysis was performed by calculating relative growth (RGR) and specific growth rates (SGR), condition factor K, total surface area (TSA) and body surface area (BSA). For the ethological assessment, scan sampling was used. In addition, tests of total ammonia nitrogen and carbon dioxide results were carried out. It was found out that individuals from tanks with lower population density (initial 0.88 Kg/m2 , final 1.76 Kg/m2 ) have higher growth rates (0.77 %/day) than individuals raised at higher densities (initial 1.75 Kg/m2 , final 3.20 Kg/m2 and 0.67 %/day). Behaviors evidencing stress at higher densities were recorded.
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