Bibliographic citations
Carrión, A., (2018). Caracterización e inducción de embriogénesis somática de ecotipos representativos de Palma Datilera (Phoenix dactylifera L.) de la Región Ica, Perú. [Tesis, Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina].
Carrión, A., Caracterización e inducción de embriogénesis somática de ecotipos representativos de Palma Datilera (Phoenix dactylifera L.) de la Región Ica, Perú. [Tesis]. : Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina; 2018.
title = "Caracterización e inducción de embriogénesis somática de ecotipos representativos de Palma Datilera (Phoenix dactylifera L.) de la Región Ica, Perú.",
author = "Carrión Elguera, Andrea Josefa",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina",
year = "2018"
The aims of this research work were to georeference the date palms from Ica (83 points) and morphologically characterize the fruits of 25 ecotypes using 16 morphological descriptors of IPGRI et al. (2005). The ecotypes 2, 8 and 17 stood out for the good quality of the fruit, according to the demands of the market (Markhand et al., 2010). Subsequently, three experiments are carried out with three treatments, an embryogenic callus production; in the first, callus induction has occurred, with treatments I1, I2 and I3; the second was the proliferation of calluses with P1, P2 and P3 and the third, the formation of embryogenic calluses with C1, C2 and C3. In the first experiment, the I2 treatment obtained the highest number of explants with callus (63%), with a medium composed of sales and vitamins MS (Murashige and Skoog, 1962), 100 mg/L of 2,4-D and 3gr/L Activated carbon, at a temperature of 26oC and in the dark. In the second experiment, treatment with P2 produced a greater growth of callus (300%), with a medium composed of sales and vitamins MS and 200 mg / L of hydrolyzed casein, at a temperature of 26°C and in the dark. In the third experiment, treatment with C3 obtained a greater development of somatic embryos (76% of differentiated calluses), with a medium composed of sales and vitamins MS and 0.1 mg/L BAP, under conditions of 26°C and photoperiod of 14/10. In conclusion, a protocol for the production of embryogenic callus is proposed to obtain material that can be used for conservation, exchange of germplasm and / or mass production of cloned plants. In addition, the research will identify outstanding ecotypes for the quality of the fruit, which will serve in a plant breeding program of this species.
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