Bibliographic citations
Morales, R., (2023). Determinación de la jerarquía animal en procesos de producción - Caso sala de ordeño del establo La Molina [Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina].
Morales, R., Determinación de la jerarquía animal en procesos de producción - Caso sala de ordeño del establo La Molina []. PE: Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina; 2023.
title = "Determinación de la jerarquía animal en procesos de producción - Caso sala de ordeño del establo La Molina",
author = "Morales Villanueva, Renzo Isaac",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina",
year = "2023"
The bovine is one of the main food sources for humans, as many milk production as its milk by-products like cheese or yogurt, and for this reason it’s important to look into the improve in the milk’s performance, not just focus in physiological aspects but also in behavior although this last aspect is important to obtain a good profitability from animal production doesn’t receive a real importance; the knowledge of animal behavior to has benefits for humans has a lot of year, this aspect doesn’t receive a significant relevance, but until 40 years ago that it’s importance has been valued in all animal production systems; in the present work, behavior aspects are analyzed with data analysis from milking order of dairy cattle in high production, obtained from the program named “Dairy Plan” that is used to manage the milking parlor of the “Unidad Experimental de Zootecnia” with nonparametric statistics through different tools (Circular histograms with polar coordinates, hierarchical cluster analysis, silhouette analysis and optimal number of clusters) using R program, proving the existence of a social hierarchy in high production cows and an affinity to respect a hierarchical order for their milking in a meaningful way.
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