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Colonia, Z., (2018). Factores que determinan la demanda de mango fresco peruano en los Estados Unidos, Periodo 2000 - 2016 [Tesis, Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina].
Colonia, Z., Factores que determinan la demanda de mango fresco peruano en los Estados Unidos, Periodo 2000 - 2016 [Tesis]. : Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina; 2018.
title = "Factores que determinan la demanda de mango fresco peruano en los Estados Unidos, Periodo 2000 - 2016",
author = "Colonia Coral, Zaira",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina",
year = "2018"
Title: Factores que determinan la demanda de mango fresco peruano en los Estados Unidos, Periodo 2000 - 2016
Authors(s): Colonia Coral, Zaira
Advisor(s): Condori Argandoña, Carlos Alberto
Keywords: Mango; Demanda; Exportaciones; Consumo; Investigación de mercados; EUA; Evaluación; Perú
OCDE field:
Issue Date: 2018
Institution: Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina
Abstract: En la actualidad el mango es la quinta fruta más exportada por el Perú y es una de las frutas tropicales con mayor producción y consumo a nivel mundial, siendo Estados Unidos el principal importador, con aproximadamente 30 por ciento del total. Es por ello que el presente trabajo de investigación tiene como objetivo analizar qué factores determinan la demanda de mango fresco peruano en Los Estados Unidos (principal destino del Perú). Para lograr este objetivo se emplea el método descriptivo-explicativo, y un diseño econométrico de regresión múltiple de tipo log- log, en el cual intervienen las siguientes variables de EE.UU: Cantidad demandada de mango; Precio del mango; Precio de la naranja (bien complementario); Precio del melón (bien sustituto); e Ingreso Per cápita. El resultado del modelo arroja, con un nivel de confianza del 95 por ciento, que la decisión de compra del mango en los Estados Unidos, no depende del precio de este bien y tampoco de su sustituto, que es el melón; sino depende del ingreso per cápita (con incidencia positiva) y se desprende que es un bien de lujo, y también depende del precio de la naranja, con incidencia negativa por ser un bien complementario. A partir de ello la principal conclusión de este trabajo de investigación, y que se encuentra acorde a la revisión de la literatura, es que la demanda de mango en Estados Unidos no depende de su precio; sino del excelente comportamiento de los ingresos del mercado de dicho país, pues al incrementar estos, también incrementa la demanda del bien, cabe resaltar que la calidad de la fruta es muy importante.
Mango is currently the fifth most exported fruit in Peru and is one of the tropical fruits with the highest production and consumption worldwide, with the United States being the main importer, with approximately 30 percent of the total. That is why this research work aims to analyze what factors determine the demand for fresh mango in the United States (main destination of Peru). To achieve this objective, the descriptive-explanatory method is used, and an economic multiple regression design (log-log), in which the following US variables intervene: demanded amount of mango; Mango price; Price of the orange (good complementary); Melon price (good substitute); and Per capita Income. The result of the model shows, with a level of confidence of 95 percent, the decision to purchase mango in the United States does not depend on the price of this good neither its substitute, which is the melon; but it depends on per capita income (with a positive impact) and it is clear that it is a luxury good, and also depends on the orange price (with a negative impact). From this, the main conclusion of this research work, and which is consistent with the literature review, is that the demand for mango in the United States does not depend on its price; but it depends on the excellent performance of the market income of that country, because by increasing these, also increases the demand for the good, it should be noted that the quality of the fruit is very important too.
Mango is currently the fifth most exported fruit in Peru and is one of the tropical fruits with the highest production and consumption worldwide, with the United States being the main importer, with approximately 30 percent of the total. That is why this research work aims to analyze what factors determine the demand for fresh mango in the United States (main destination of Peru). To achieve this objective, the descriptive-explanatory method is used, and an economic multiple regression design (log-log), in which the following US variables intervene: demanded amount of mango; Mango price; Price of the orange (good complementary); Melon price (good substitute); and Per capita Income. The result of the model shows, with a level of confidence of 95 percent, the decision to purchase mango in the United States does not depend on the price of this good neither its substitute, which is the melon; but it depends on per capita income (with a positive impact) and it is clear that it is a luxury good, and also depends on the orange price (with a negative impact). From this, the main conclusion of this research work, and which is consistent with the literature review, is that the demand for mango in the United States does not depend on its price; but it depends on the excellent performance of the market income of that country, because by increasing these, also increases the demand for the good, it should be noted that the quality of the fruit is very important too.
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Note: Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Facultad de Economía y Planificación. Departamento Académico de Economía y Planificación
Discipline: Economía y Planificación
Grade or title grantor: Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Facultad de Economía y Planificación
Grade or title: Economista
Register date: 3-Jan-2019
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