Bibliographic citations
Reyes, M., (2017). Rol de los actores involucrados en la gestión turística de Marcahuasi, Lima, Perú, para su uso público sostenible [Tesis, Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina].
Reyes, M., Rol de los actores involucrados en la gestión turística de Marcahuasi, Lima, Perú, para su uso público sostenible [Tesis]. : Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina; 2017.
title = "Rol de los actores involucrados en la gestión turística de Marcahuasi, Lima, Perú, para su uso público sostenible",
author = "Reyes Odiaga, María Victoria",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina",
year = "2017"
This research involved the investigation into the management of Marcahuasi Plateau (District of San Pedro, Province of Huarochirí, Department of Lima), the relationship among the different stakeholders and their roles are critically discussed and the thesis also provides an overview of existing tourism initiatives. Furthermore, visit patterns and pressures existing on the site are identified. Qualitative methods were used and these involved in-depth interviews and an open meeting with community members. The structure of the Tourism Committee of the Community of San Pedro de Casta was analyzed and it was evident that this structure is inappropriate to manage the tourist site sustainably, as it is a traditional communal organization whose main purpose is to manage water resources and not to provide tourism services. The research enabled the identification of diverse visitor profiles, i.e.: nature lovers, adventure seekers, mysticism and fun/party goers. The research highlighted that the community is overwhelmed by the number of visitors arriving during long weekends and the community fears that the resource will continue to deteriorate. The research identified various initiatives by diverse stakeholders, seeking to address current issues. However, given the lack of a coordinated approach among the various stakeholders, and given the lack of representation and autonomy of the Tourism Committee, its actions are isolated and do not adequately target the problem. Furthermore, the execution of a public investment project was identified that far from addressing the problem faced by the community, it intensifies it. It is expected that the conclusions and recommendations of this research will contribute to the sustainable development of tourism in Marcahuasi.
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