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Condori, R., (2023). Huella de carbono en la cadena de valor del queso tipo paria de la zona lago de la cuenca Titicaca [Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina].
Condori, R., Huella de carbono en la cadena de valor del queso tipo paria de la zona lago de la cuenca Titicaca []. PE: Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina; 2023.
title = "Huella de carbono en la cadena de valor del queso tipo paria de la zona lago de la cuenca Titicaca",
author = "Condori Cusi, Ruben",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina",
year = "2023"
Title: Huella de carbono en la cadena de valor del queso tipo paria de la zona lago de la cuenca Titicaca
Authors(s): Condori Cusi, Ruben
Advisor(s): Fuentes Navarro, Eduardo Leuman
Keywords: Queso tipo paria
OCDE field:
Issue Date: 2023
Institution: Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina
Abstract: El objetivo del presente estudio es analizar la huella de carbono en el contexto de la cadena de valor del producto queso fresco tipo paria producido en cuatro plantas de la zona lago de la cuenca del Titicaca en Perú. Para ello se determinó tres eslabones con sus correspondientes encadenamientos y restricciones, desde la provisión del alimento para vacunos, la crianza de vacas lecheras y la manufactura del queso; seguidamente, se analizó la huella de carbono(HC) del producto queso según las etapas de generación del valor agregado (VA). Se consideró al precio de mercado como equivalente del valor bruto de la producción (VBP)del producto final queso y los productos intermedios. El VA, en cada eslabón de la cadena,se desagregó en trabajo, capital, tierra, impuestos y excedente del productor; y, el consumo intermedio (CI) se detalló según origen: nacional (N) e importado (M). Para calcular la HCse utilizó la metodología del grupo intergubernamental de expertos sobre el cambio climático (IPCC) a Nivel uno, complementado con el análisis del ciclo de vida del producto (ACV)para tres eslabones (agrícola, ganadera y manufactura) y tres gases de efecto invernadero (GEI): metano (CH4), óxido nitroso (N2O) y dióxido de carbono (CO2). En cuanto a VA, por kilogramo de producto final queso, a precios de abril del 2020, se determinó en 10.68 nuevos soles en Ácora, 9.30 en Platería, 11.51 en Huata y 10.31 en Taraco; que, la magnitud del VA está condicionada por el precio de colocación del producto final, y ésta a su vez está acotado por el ingreso, la disposición a pagar (DAP), los gustos y preferencias del consumidor en los nichos de mercado local habituales; y que, más del 84.5 por ciento del VA se queda en el ámbito local. En cuanto a HC se determinó 10.54 kg de CO2eq por kilogramo de producto queso en Ácora, 10.98 en Platería, 9.98 en Huata y 9.41en Taraco; que, la mayor parte de la HCP se emite en la fase ganadera (al menos 50.5 por ciento de los GEI), seguido de la fase agrícola (al menos 24.8 por ciento); y, en menor proporción la fase manufacturera; que, la mayor HC en la ganadería corresponde al CH4 por fermentación entérica y en la fase agrícola al N2O. Finalmente, se vinculó el VA con la HC mediante un indicador en el cual destaca la planta de Huata como el de mejor rentabilidad ambiental (1.15 nuevos soles por kilogramo de CO2eq de producto queso).
This study analyzes the carbon footprint in the context of the value chain of "paria" type fresh cheese product produced in four plants located in the lakeside zone of the Titicaca basin in Peru. To do so, three links were determined with their respective interconnections and constraints, starting from the provision of cattle feed, dairy cow rearing, and cheese manufacturing. Subsequently, the carbon footprint (CF) of the cheese product was analyzed according to the stages of value-added (VA) generation. The market price was considered as the equivalent of the gross value of production (GVP) for the final cheese product and intermediate products. The GVP in each link of the chain was disaggregated into labor, capital, land, taxes, and producer surplus. The intermediate consumption (IC) was detailed based on its origin: domestic (D) and imported (M). The CF was calculated using the methodology of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) at Level One, complemented with the analysis of the product's life cycle (LCA) for three links (agriculture, livestock, and manufacturing) and three greenhouse gases (GHGs): methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O), and carbon dioxide (CO2). In terms of GVP, per kilogram of the final cheese product, at April 2020 prices, it was determined to be 10.68 Peruvian soles in Acora, 9.30 in Plateria, 11.51 in Huata, and 10.31 in Taraco. The magnitude of GVP is conditioned by the placement price of the final product, which is in turn limited by income, willingness to pay (WTP), consumer preferences, and tastes in the local market niches. Furthermore, more than 84.5 percent of the GVP remains within the local scope. Regarding the CF, it was determinedto be 10.54 kg of CO2eq per kilogram of cheese product in Acora, 10.98 in Plateria, 9.98 in Huata, and 9.41 in Taraco. The majority of CF is emitted during the livestock phase (at least 50.5 percent of GHGs), followed by the agricultural phase (at least 24.8 percent), and to a lesser extent, the manufacturing phase. The highest CF in livestock corresponds to CH4emissions from enteric fermentation, and in the agricultural phase, it is attributed to N2O emissions. Finally, the GVP was linked to the CF through an indicator, highlighting the Huata plant as having the best environmental profitability (1.15 Peruvian soles per kilogram of CO2eq for cheese product).
This study analyzes the carbon footprint in the context of the value chain of "paria" type fresh cheese product produced in four plants located in the lakeside zone of the Titicaca basin in Peru. To do so, three links were determined with their respective interconnections and constraints, starting from the provision of cattle feed, dairy cow rearing, and cheese manufacturing. Subsequently, the carbon footprint (CF) of the cheese product was analyzed according to the stages of value-added (VA) generation. The market price was considered as the equivalent of the gross value of production (GVP) for the final cheese product and intermediate products. The GVP in each link of the chain was disaggregated into labor, capital, land, taxes, and producer surplus. The intermediate consumption (IC) was detailed based on its origin: domestic (D) and imported (M). The CF was calculated using the methodology of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) at Level One, complemented with the analysis of the product's life cycle (LCA) for three links (agriculture, livestock, and manufacturing) and three greenhouse gases (GHGs): methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O), and carbon dioxide (CO2). In terms of GVP, per kilogram of the final cheese product, at April 2020 prices, it was determined to be 10.68 Peruvian soles in Acora, 9.30 in Plateria, 11.51 in Huata, and 10.31 in Taraco. The magnitude of GVP is conditioned by the placement price of the final product, which is in turn limited by income, willingness to pay (WTP), consumer preferences, and tastes in the local market niches. Furthermore, more than 84.5 percent of the GVP remains within the local scope. Regarding the CF, it was determinedto be 10.54 kg of CO2eq per kilogram of cheese product in Acora, 10.98 in Plateria, 9.98 in Huata, and 9.41 in Taraco. The majority of CF is emitted during the livestock phase (at least 50.5 percent of GHGs), followed by the agricultural phase (at least 24.8 percent), and to a lesser extent, the manufacturing phase. The highest CF in livestock corresponds to CH4emissions from enteric fermentation, and in the agricultural phase, it is attributed to N2O emissions. Finally, the GVP was linked to the CF through an indicator, highlighting the Huata plant as having the best environmental profitability (1.15 Peruvian soles per kilogram of CO2eq for cheese product).
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Note: Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Escuela de Posgrado. Doctorado en Economía de los Recursos Naturales y el Desarrollo Sustentable
Discipline: Economía de los Recursos Naturales y el Desarrollo Sustentable
Grade or title grantor: Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Escuela de Posgrado
Grade or title: Doctoris Philosophiae - Economía de los Recursos Naturales y el Desarrollo Sustentable
Juror: Mercado Curi, Waldemar Fernando; Gómez Galarza, Vilma Elvira; Gómez Bravo, Carlos Alfredo; Ku Vera, Juan Carlos
Register date: 28-Dec-2023
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