Bibliographic citations
Quispe, T., (2018). Influencia de la cobertura vegetal en la erosión hídrica del suelo en la comunidad San Mateo, Perú [Tesis, Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina].
Quispe, T., Influencia de la cobertura vegetal en la erosión hídrica del suelo en la comunidad San Mateo, Perú [Tesis]. : Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina; 2018.
title = "Influencia de la cobertura vegetal en la erosión hídrica del suelo en la comunidad San Mateo, Perú",
author = "Quispe Ojeda, Teodosio Celso",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina",
year = "2018"
The objective of the present study was to evaluate the levels of soil loss due to water erosion. The work was carried out from september 2015 to august 2016 at a hillside in the community of San Mateo, Lima; located between the UTM coordinates 358 153,502 East- 8 699 926,305 North and 358 159,545 East- 8 699 941,252 North, with an altitude of 3320 meters above sea level. Sixteen plots were installed, with four treatments, in four blocks, with 16 rods per plot, which served as an indicator the soil loss, measuring the laminar erosion on the soils, in a total area of 129,96 m2. The study was experimental, longitudinal, and prospective in time with a stadistical random design, using Tukey at the 95 porcent confidence level to determine the differences between treatments. The results indicated that the plots covered with native vegetation (Festuca amethystina L.) produced a lower soil loss , 10,901 ton/ha-year, in comparison to the soil losses of the plots with mulch, 17,18 ton/ha-year; natural cover, 28,651 ton/ha-year; and, the plots with bare soil, 44,85 tons/ha-year. This last control is eleven times greater than the maximum rate considered by the FAO (4 tons/ha-year, for shallow soils). The vegetal cover, acted as an efficient protector of the soil diminishing considerably the effect of the water erosion.
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