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Laura, W., (2022). Caracterización de las olas de calor y la salud humana en Piura [Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina].
Laura, W., Caracterización de las olas de calor y la salud humana en Piura []. PE: Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina; 2022.
title = "Caracterización de las olas de calor y la salud humana en Piura",
author = "Laura Laura, Wil Luis",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina",
year = "2022"
Title: Caracterización de las olas de calor y la salud humana en Piura
Authors(s): Laura Laura, Wil Luis
Keywords: Calor; Región Piura; Estación cálida; Masas de aire; Medición; Frente de calor; Salud humana; Evaluación; Perú; Ola de calor
OCDE field:
Issue Date: 2022
Institution: Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina
Abstract: En la presente investigación se analizó las características de las olas de calor con un enfoque en la salud humana sobre Piura. El propósito fue determinar si existe una influencia de las olas de calor en la salud humana seleccionando los criterios más adecuados para categorizar estos eventos por intermedio de la mortalidad general sobre la zona de estudio, de ser así, saber cuánto podría durar esta influencia y describir sus características climáticas y sinópticas de las variables meteorológicas en la tropósfera para la ocurrencia de estas olas de calor. Se categorizó estos eventos en cuanto a frecuencia y duración de todo su registro climático considerando treinta criterios de olas de calor en función de la métrica, el umbral y el número de días. Mediante la metodología de riesgo relativo aplicado a datos de mortalidad general se halló los criterios más adecuados para categorizar una ola de calor con un efecto en el riesgo de mortalidad. Las características climáticas de las variables meteorológicas asociadas a la generación de estos eventos se investigaron a través de patrones sinópticos utilizando la técnica mapas auto organizados. Se encontró que, en las provincias de Piura y Sullana existe un riesgo de mortalidad por las olas de calor, las cuales son definidas a través de la temperatura máxima del aire, con un percentil 95 y una duración mínima de dos días. Normalmente, las olas de calor ocurren de uno a dos eventos por periodo cálido del año y tienen una duración media de tres días. Existen dos patrones sinópticos más frecuentes para la generación de estos eventos, el primero asociado a un calentamiento local en superficie sobre la costa norte de Perú y el segundo asociado a un calentamiento regional a escala sinóptica, cada uno presentando un comportamiento particular en la tropósfera
In this research, the characteristics of heatwaves were analyzed with a focus on human health over Piura. The purpose was to determine if there is an influence of heatwaves on human health by selecting the most appropriate criteria to categorize these events through general mortality over the study area, if so, to know how long this influence could last and describe its climatic and synoptic characteristics of the meteorological variables in the troposphere for the occurrence of these heatwaves. These events were categorized in terms of frequency and duration of their entire climate record considering thirty criteria of heatwaves based on the metric, the threshold and the number of days. Using the relative risk methodology applied to general mortality data, the most appropriate criteria were found to categorize a heat wave with an effect on mortality risk. The climatic characteristics of the meteorological variables associated with the generation of these events were investigated through synoptic patterns using self-organized maps. It was found that in the provinces of Piura and Sullana there is a risk of mortality due to heatwaves, which are defined through the maximum air temperature, with a 95th percentile and a minimum duration of two days. Normally, heat waves occur from one to two events per hot period of the year and last for an average of three days. There are two more frequent synoptic patterns for the generation of these events, the first associated with local surface warming on the north coast of Peru and the second associated with regional warming on a synoptic scale, each one presenting a particular behavior in the troposphere.
In this research, the characteristics of heatwaves were analyzed with a focus on human health over Piura. The purpose was to determine if there is an influence of heatwaves on human health by selecting the most appropriate criteria to categorize these events through general mortality over the study area, if so, to know how long this influence could last and describe its climatic and synoptic characteristics of the meteorological variables in the troposphere for the occurrence of these heatwaves. These events were categorized in terms of frequency and duration of their entire climate record considering thirty criteria of heatwaves based on the metric, the threshold and the number of days. Using the relative risk methodology applied to general mortality data, the most appropriate criteria were found to categorize a heat wave with an effect on mortality risk. The climatic characteristics of the meteorological variables associated with the generation of these events were investigated through synoptic patterns using self-organized maps. It was found that in the provinces of Piura and Sullana there is a risk of mortality due to heatwaves, which are defined through the maximum air temperature, with a 95th percentile and a minimum duration of two days. Normally, heat waves occur from one to two events per hot period of the year and last for an average of three days. There are two more frequent synoptic patterns for the generation of these events, the first associated with local surface warming on the north coast of Peru and the second associated with regional warming on a synoptic scale, each one presenting a particular behavior in the troposphere.
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Note: Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Facultad de Ciencias. Departamento Académico de Ingeniería Ambiental, Física y Meteorología
Discipline: Ingeniería Ambiental, Física y Meteorología
Grade or title grantor: Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Facultad de Ciencias
Grade or title: Ingeniero Meteorólogo
Juror: Arakaki Kiyan, Julio Alfonso; Yoza Yoza, Luis Shuseki; Tang Cruz, Oscar Enrique
Register date: 27-Jul-2022
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