Bibliographic citations
Nuñez, V., (2022). Efecto de El Niño costero 2017 en la calidad del agua de consumo a través de perfiles analíticos descriptivos [Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina].
Nuñez, V., Efecto de El Niño costero 2017 en la calidad del agua de consumo a través de perfiles analíticos descriptivos []. PE: Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina; 2022.
title = "Efecto de El Niño costero 2017 en la calidad del agua de consumo a través de perfiles analíticos descriptivos",
author = "Nuñez Ysique, Victor Paul",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina",
year = "2022"
Due to the presence and huge impact and the collateral damage (negative effects) of climate phenomena such as the Niño Costero within the coastal countries of South America, knowledge of the possible consequences in social aspects such as the supply of drinking water is fundamental for understand and predict the stability of supplies during the duration of these natural phenomena. The main objective of this work was to design a method for evaluating different variables measured objectively and assess the changes they had with respect to time, in order to determine if they were useful for the generation of descriptive analytical profiles that provide valuable information to institutions and people related to disaster prevention and mitigation. The parameters were selected based on the influence they have on the evaluation of the characteristics of water for human consumption, classified into physical chemical, chemical and microbiological parameters. The parameters selected for the elaboration of the profiles were evaluated by means of a statistical analysis of Kruskall Wallis to determine that the measurements had enough variation to provide relevant information. All parameters evaluated were determined by standardized methods. It was also found that the temperature parameter provides the least information for the realization of the profiles, and that the microbiological parameters form profiles that are too amorphous due to their logarithmic scale results. Also, that the physicochemical profiles must be adjusted in their scales to avoid the formation of amorphous or difficult to interpret profiles. Likewise, it was evidenced that during the months of occurrence of the Niño Costero, data appeared outside the permitted limits and that they demonstrate the affectation of the phenomenon in treatment plants. The best profile was generated in March and April, since it demonstrates the usefulness of the technique of descriptive analytical profiles during these events.
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