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Ancco, E., (2019). Nutrición proteíca y su relación con características reproductivas y salud uterina en alpacas [Tesis, Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina].
Ancco, E., Nutrición proteíca y su relación con características reproductivas y salud uterina en alpacas [Tesis]. : Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina; 2019.
title = "Nutrición proteíca y su relación con características reproductivas y salud uterina en alpacas",
author = "Ancco Gómez, Edith",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina",
year = "2019"
Title: Nutrición proteíca y su relación con características reproductivas y salud uterina en alpacas
Authors(s): Ancco Gómez, Edith
Advisor(s): Gómez Bravo, Carlos Alfredo
Keywords: Alpaca; Pastizal natural; Pastizal sembrado; Peso corporal; Ganancia de peso; Consumo de piensos; Rendimiento carnico; Evaluación; Perú
OCDE field:
Issue Date: 2019
Institution: Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina
Abstract: Diversos estudios en camélidos indican bajo consumo de proteína y alta concentración de nitrógeno ureico sanguíneo (NUS) en comparación con otros rumiantes. Este trabajo tiene como objetivo determinar el efecto de la nutrición proteica sobre características reproductivas y salud uterina en alpacas en periparto. En el primer estudio se caracterizó los niveles de NUS y proteína total en sangre (PT) en alpacas postparto alimentadas en pastizales naturales en tres regiones altoandinas. Se obtuvo valores de NUS de 30.4, 24.8 y 21.6 mg/dl en las regiones de Puno, Junín y Pasco respectivamente y fueron estadísticamente diferentes (p<0.05) y no se hallaron diferencias entre los niveles de PT. En el segundo estudio se determinó el efecto de tres niveles de proteína en la dieta sobre características reproductivas y salud uterina en alpacas, realizándose en la Comunidad San Pedro de Racco – Cerro de Pasco. Se utilizaron 48 alpacas en periparto, asignadas aleatoriamente a un grupo nutricional de bajo (8%), medio (11%) y alto (14%) contenido proteico. Los animales se alojaron en corrales individuales con la finalidad de evaluar el consumo, para las características reproductivas se realizó ecografía 2 días después del empadre para determinar la tasa de ovulación, posteriormente para el día 9, 13 y 30 post empadre, se evaluaron niveles de progesterona para determinar la preñez temprana, la mortalidad embrionaria fue evaluada a los 30±5 días post empadre mediante ecografía. La salud uterina se evaluó mediante citología endometrial por citobrush a los 20±2 días postparto. Los niveles de NUS fueron mayores cuando la dieta fue incrementando en el contenido de proteína cruda, la tasa de ovulación fue de 71.4, 93.7 y 93.7% y la tasa de preñez fue de 56.2, 75 y 37.5 para los tratamientos T1, T2 y T3 respectivamente. La mortalidad embrionaria fue mayor en dietas que incrementaron su contenido proteico, los niveles de progesterona fueron 4.7, 6.0 y 5.1 al día 9 post empadre para T1, T2 y T3 respectivamente, los valores fueron aumentando al día 13 y hubo una reducción al día 30 post empadre. No se hallaron diferencias entre tratamientos con respecto a endometritis postparto. En conclusión el suministro proteico en el T2 está alineado con recomendaciones dietarías actuales basado en los resultados de reproducción de este estudio. El exceso de proteína parece tener el mismo efecto negativo sobre la reproducción en comparación con los rumiantes.
Research indicates that there is low protein intake, however camelids usually have a high concentration of blood urea nitrogen (NUS) compared to other ruminants. Its objective is to determine the effect of protein nutrition on reproductive characteristics and uterine health in alpacas. In the first study, NUS and total blood protein (PT) levels were characterized in postpartum alpacas fed on natural pastures in three high Andean regions. NUS values of 30.4, 24.82 and 21.6 mg / dl were obtained in the regions of Puno, Junín and Pasco, respectively, and were statistically different (p <0.05) and no differences were found between PT levels. In the second study, the effect of three levels of protein in the diet on reproductive characteristics and uterine health in alpacas was determined, taking place in the San Pedro de Racco - Cerro de Pasco Community. 48 alpacas were used in peripartum, randomly assigned to a nutritional group of low (8%), medium (11%) and high (14%) protein content. The animals were housed in individual pens for the purpose of evaluating the intake, for reproductive characteristics, ultrasound was performed 2 days after the breeding to determine the ovulation rate, later for day 9, 13 and 30 post-breeding, progesterone levels were evaluated to determine early pregnancy, embryo mortality was evaluated at 30 ± 5 days post-registration by ultrasound. For uterine health it was evaluated by endometrial cytology by cytobrush at 20 ± 2 days postpartum. The levels of NUS were higher when the diet was increasing in the crude protein content, the ovulation rate was 71.4, 93.7 and 93.7% and the pregnancy rate was 56.2, 75 and 37.5 for the treatments T1, T2 and T3 respectively. For embryonic mortality it was higher in diets that increased their protein content, progesterone levels were 4.7, 6.0 and 5.1 at day 9 post-breeding for T1, T2 and T3 respectively, the values were increasing at day 13 and there was a reduction per day 30 post. No differences were found between treatments with respect to post-partum endometritis. In conclusion, the levels of crude protein in the diet had an effect on the reproductive parameters, mainly in pregnancy, this was affected by the high levels of NUS, where it would be behaving like ruminants.
Research indicates that there is low protein intake, however camelids usually have a high concentration of blood urea nitrogen (NUS) compared to other ruminants. Its objective is to determine the effect of protein nutrition on reproductive characteristics and uterine health in alpacas. In the first study, NUS and total blood protein (PT) levels were characterized in postpartum alpacas fed on natural pastures in three high Andean regions. NUS values of 30.4, 24.82 and 21.6 mg / dl were obtained in the regions of Puno, Junín and Pasco, respectively, and were statistically different (p <0.05) and no differences were found between PT levels. In the second study, the effect of three levels of protein in the diet on reproductive characteristics and uterine health in alpacas was determined, taking place in the San Pedro de Racco - Cerro de Pasco Community. 48 alpacas were used in peripartum, randomly assigned to a nutritional group of low (8%), medium (11%) and high (14%) protein content. The animals were housed in individual pens for the purpose of evaluating the intake, for reproductive characteristics, ultrasound was performed 2 days after the breeding to determine the ovulation rate, later for day 9, 13 and 30 post-breeding, progesterone levels were evaluated to determine early pregnancy, embryo mortality was evaluated at 30 ± 5 days post-registration by ultrasound. For uterine health it was evaluated by endometrial cytology by cytobrush at 20 ± 2 days postpartum. The levels of NUS were higher when the diet was increasing in the crude protein content, the ovulation rate was 71.4, 93.7 and 93.7% and the pregnancy rate was 56.2, 75 and 37.5 for the treatments T1, T2 and T3 respectively. For embryonic mortality it was higher in diets that increased their protein content, progesterone levels were 4.7, 6.0 and 5.1 at day 9 post-breeding for T1, T2 and T3 respectively, the values were increasing at day 13 and there was a reduction per day 30 post. No differences were found between treatments with respect to post-partum endometritis. In conclusion, the levels of crude protein in the diet had an effect on the reproductive parameters, mainly in pregnancy, this was affected by the high levels of NUS, where it would be behaving like ruminants.
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Note: Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Escuela de Posgrado. Doctorado en Ciencia Animal
Discipline: Ciencia Animal
Grade or title grantor: Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Escuela de Posgrado
Grade or title: Doctoris Philosophiae - Ciencia Animal
Juror: Gutiérrez Reynoso, Gustavo Augusto; Villanueva Espinoza, María Elena; Ñaupari Vásquez, Javier Arturo; Huanca Mamani, Teodosio
Register date: 22-Nov-2019
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