Bibliographic citations
Valerio, J., (2021). Optimización de la hidrólisis de pulpa de Anchoveta (Engraulis ringens) para la minimización del amargor empleando Corolasa 8000 y 7089 [Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina].
Valerio, J., Optimización de la hidrólisis de pulpa de Anchoveta (Engraulis ringens) para la minimización del amargor empleando Corolasa 8000 y 7089 []. PE: Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina; 2021.
title = "Optimización de la hidrólisis de pulpa de Anchoveta (Engraulis ringens) para la minimización del amargor empleando Corolasa 8000 y 7089",
author = "Valerio Hurtado, Juan Roy",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina",
year = "2021"
The objective of this work was to study the sequential enzymatic hydrolysis carried out by the commercial proteases Corolase 8000 and Corolase 7089 applied to anchovy pulp (Engraulis ringens). The influence of temperature (A), time (B) and the amount of enzyme (C) on the degree of hydrolysis (DH) and the bitterness level (BL) of the product were evaluated. The sequence was divided into two stages and optimal operating conditions were determined using the Response Surface Method. In the first stage, the individual action of Corolase 8000 was evaluated and the equation obtained for the calculation of DH1 was “DH1 = -50.71682 + 1.51586A1 + 0.152891B1 + 10.29657C1 - 0.001588A1B1 - 0.079052A1C1 -0.00654B1C1 - 0.010575A1 2 - 0.000077 B1 2 - 0.690301C1 2 ”. A significant influence of A1, B1 and C1 on DH1 was observed. To maximize DH1 the operating conditions were: A1 = 60.1 ° C, B1 = 93.4 min and C1 = 1.68%. The second stage was developed on the product obtained in the first stage. Corollase 7089 was used and the equation obtained for the calculation of DH2 was “GH2 = 2.30518 + 0.321738A2 + 0.066061B2 - 0.958806C2 - 0.000444A2B2 + 0.154046A2C2 + 0.009176B2C2 - 0.002831A2 2 - 0.000195B2 2 - 5.30892C2 2 ”. In this stage, the bitterness level was considered as the second response variable, whose equation was “BL = - 16.06526 + 0.512988A2 + 0.085598B2 + 1.47548C2 - 0.000849A2B2 + 0.05738A2C2 + 0.015037B2C2 - 0.003861A2 2 - 0.000203B2 2 - 3.80676C2 2 ”. The process at this stage was optimized to maximize DH2 and minimize BL. The operating conditions for the simultaneous optimization were A2 = 60.1 ° C, B2 = 93.4 min and C2 = 1.68%. The optimal experimental hydrolyzate had a BL 3.18 and a DG2 of 14.5%. The main constituents of this product were protein (80.2%), ash (9.3%), water (6.3%) and fat (0.6%). By means of electrophoresis by the SDS-PAGE method, four ranges of molecular mass of the peptides were found: around 6.5kDa, from 14.5 to 15.1 kDa, from 22.9 to 23.4 kDa and around 26.6 KDa, the two lowest ranges being the most abundant.
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