Bibliographic citations
Huarcaya, M., (2022). Grado de conexión con la naturaleza de los estudiantes de Ingeniería Ambiental de la Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina - Año 2020 [Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina].
Huarcaya, M., Grado de conexión con la naturaleza de los estudiantes de Ingeniería Ambiental de la Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina - Año 2020 []. PE: Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina; 2022.
title = "Grado de conexión con la naturaleza de los estudiantes de Ingeniería Ambiental de la Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina - Año 2020",
author = "Huarcaya Jara, Mark Andrés",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina",
year = "2022"
Disconnection from natural world may be contributing to environment deterioration. The aim of the study was to determine environmental engineering students’ connection with nature from National Agrarian University La Molina (UNALM) comparing sex and year study. The sample population was composed by 81 students. Nature Relatedness (NR) and New Ecological Paradigm (NEP) where adapted and validated. NR assess affective, cognitive and experiential aspects of the individual connection with nature. NEP assess individual connection with nature to understand environmental worldview. Descriptive statistics and analysis of variance (ANOVA) were conducted. Scales validations were made through a reliability analysis using the alpha (α) and omega (ω) coefficients and internal validity using a confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). Scale correlation was analysed with Pearson's coefficient. Results evidenced that students are highly connected with natural world. NR results evidenced a more significant connection in women than in men. Regarding NEP, no significant sex differences were found. Both scales evidenced no significant differences in the year study. NR scale evidenced a moderate reliability (α = 0.728 y ω= 0.731) and NEP scale evidenced a poor reliability (α= 0.607 y ω= 0.444). Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) showed a poor fitness in three factor model for NR and single factor model for NEP. Both scales were positively correlated. Both scales require additional explorations to identify variables behaviour in the study population.
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