Bibliographic citations
Cardich, K., (2017). Modelaciòn de máximas avenidas en la cuenca del río Lurín utilizando modelos hidrológico e hidráulico [Tesis, Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina].
Cardich, K., Modelaciòn de máximas avenidas en la cuenca del río Lurín utilizando modelos hidrológico e hidráulico [Tesis]. : Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina; 2017.
title = "Modelaciòn de máximas avenidas en la cuenca del río Lurín utilizando modelos hidrológico e hidráulico",
author = "Cardich Motta, Kevin Alexander",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina",
year = "2017"
The overflows in the valley of the Lurín river basin are a problem that is repeated year after year in the face of the events of maximum floods, generating floods in the most vulnerable stretches of the river and causing considerable material and economic damage. It is for this reason that the present work called "Modeling of maximum avenues in the Lurín River basin using Geographic Information Systems", aims to hydrologically model the basin and hydraulically model 5.6 kilometers of the most vulnerable stretch of the valley, with the purpose of obtain the maximum flood flows and the flood areas for non-stationary regime flows. Both models for the return periods of 100 years, 200 years and 500 years. For the elaboration of the work, the collection and processing of the pluviometric information as well as the cartographic information was done, the latter served to pre-process with HEC-GeoHMS and export it to HEC-HMS. The design hietograms generated from rainfall, the number curve values and the concentration time are the most important input parameters for hydrological simulation. As a result of the simulation, maximum avenues flow rates of 97.4 m3 / s, 127.3 m3 / s and 152.6 m3 / s were obtained for the return periods of 100, 200 and 500 years respectively. With regard to hydraulic modeling, this was done for a stretch of river of 5.6 km, for which topographic information was obtained from an uprising drawn up during the dry season. This information was used in the pre-process with HEC-GeoRAS where the geometry of the river and its cross sections was obtained, and also the Digital Elevation Model was obtained. With these data, two-dimensional simulation was performed with 2D HEC-RAS in non-stationary flow, from which the flood areas were obtained, which were 149 ha, 174 ha and 189 ha, for 100, 200 and 500 years, respectively. Economic losses were estimated based on the loss of land that reached values of 2.9, 3.4 and 3.7 million dollars.
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