Bibliographic citations
Puma, G., (2017). Aplicación de la metodología Kansei tipo II para desarrollo de hot-dog a base de carne de pollo (Gallus gallus) [Tesis, Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina].
Puma, G., Aplicación de la metodología Kansei tipo II para desarrollo de hot-dog a base de carne de pollo (Gallus gallus) [Tesis]. : Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina; 2017.
title = "Aplicación de la metodología Kansei tipo II para desarrollo de hot-dog a base de carne de pollo (Gallus gallus)",
author = "Puma Isuiza, Gustavo Gavino",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina",
year = "2017"
In the present investigation, the Kansei type II methodology was applied in order to develop highly emotional chicken meat hot dog. The choice of domain was made based on a market study of sausages in Lima Metropolitana, having chosen the hot-dog chicken among hot-dog turkey, grilled sausage and black pudding. To obtain the semantic space, a mixed method was used, combining the affinity diagram with the analysis of k-means conglomerates, obtaining 15 kansei (seven hedonic expressions and eight sensorial elements: four of flavor, two of color and two of texture). The area of properties (sheath type: collagen and cellulose, color: 0,5 % and 1,0 % of carmine color) was determined using the Kano model. The prototypes were made using the following operations: grinding, mixing, cutter, sausage, blanching, chilling and draining. In the synthesis stage, the QT1 regression was performed, where the regressor variables were the property space categories and the responses were the average values of the 15 Kansei, obtaining values of CCP between 0,316 and 0,999. The characteristics evaluated by the Texture Profile were: hardness, cohesiveness, granularity, adhesiveness, elasticity, chewability and buccal coating. The generalized Procrustes variance analysis (PANOVA) of the Flash Profile was significant for the translation stage (p-value = 0,0001) and rotation (p-value = 0,0004). The multiple factor analysis showed a high correlation (Rv = 0,94) between the matrices of the Texture Profile and the Flash Profile.
Key mascaypec’a churakunme metodología Kansei tipo II nesccankuta, imapac’, hot-dog chiuchi aycha ruanapac, hatun q’uchuricunapac’. Chey ajllaytacca anchata apaycachispan, allinta j’ahuaspan tucuy yachaynincuhuan ruaranco, tucuy Lima Metropolitanapi; cheypecca ajllarancun chiuchi aycha hot-dogtan huaquincunamanta, pavo hot-dogmanta jinallatacc chorizo parrilleromanta, morcillamantapas. Espacio semántico nesccanco pac’arechinancupakcca, acllarankun cuscañanta ujllanampac diagrama de afinidadta análisis de conglomerados de k-medias nesc’anchishuan, cheymantatacc pac’arechirancu chunca quinsayoc Kansei nesc’anchista (c’anchis expresiones hedónicas nesc’ata, pusacc elementos sensorialesta: Tawa sabormanta, esquey ricch’aymanta esqueytacc texturamanta) Espacio de propiedades nesc’ac’a (tipo de funda: colágeno y celulosa; color: 0,5 % y 1,0 % de colorante carmín) cheyconacca sutenchasc’as caranco, chey modelo Kano nesccahuan. Kac´challa kanancopaqc’a ruwakurankun keyconata j’awaspa: kutasc’a, chaxrusca, cutterizado nesc´a, embutido nesc´a, escaldado nesc’a, chiriasc’a, ch’arhuisc’a. Sínteses etapapec’a Kutirirucunme QT1 man, cheypec’a variables regresoras nesc’anchesc’a, karancun anchay sayasc’a espacio de propiedades nesc’anches, cheymantatacc variables respuestas nesc’ac’a carancun valoraciones promedio chunca pesc’ayocc Kansei, cheymantatacc pac’arimun valores de CPP nesc’a 0,316; 0,999 cama. Cheymantatac’me ajllaramuspa chey Perfil de Texturac’a kamun: dureza, cohesividad, granulosidad, adhesividad, elasticidad, masticabilidad y recubrimiento bucal nesc’anku. Cheyc’a lliuta maskaruspac’a Varianza del Procrustes Generalizado (PANOVA) del Perfil Flash nesc’ac’a allinya karukun chey etapa de traslación (p-valor = 0,0001) y rotación (p-valor = 0,0004) nesc’ahuanc’a.
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