Bibliographic citations
Tapia, A., (2016). Balance hídrico usando un modelo hidrológico distribuido en la Unidad Hidrográfica río Pindo, provincias de Loja y El Oro, Ecuador [Tesis, Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina].
Tapia, A., Balance hídrico usando un modelo hidrológico distribuido en la Unidad Hidrográfica río Pindo, provincias de Loja y El Oro, Ecuador [Tesis]. : Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina; 2016.
title = "Balance hídrico usando un modelo hidrológico distribuido en la Unidad Hidrográfica río Pindo, provincias de Loja y El Oro, Ecuador",
author = "Tapia Alvarado, Adriana Paulina",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina",
year = "2016"
To assess the water availability it is requires the context analysis of hydrographic units using methods that permit know the water balance. The study zone is the hydrographic unit Rio Pindo located south of Ecuador where the model simulation TETIS, of runoff rain was applied to daily scale that considers precipitation, temperature, flow, type of coverage, features, and morphology of floor to generate hydrological processes information as interception, infiltration, evapotranspiration, percolation, subsurface flow and flow basis. To examine the processes of the hydrological cycle related to the quantity of water were performed several simulations to daily scale for the period 1975-2008, and frequency analysis flow, also evaluated the influence of hydrological variability in the study area. The calibration was analyzed with Nash-Sutcliffe (E), RSR and error in volume (Ev) and showed results very good, for to correct the parameters and find information proper on hydrological processes that developed in the study area. The sensitivity analysis showed that infiltration e interflow directly affect the process of total runoff, being the interflow the largest outflow the in the study area. Once calibrated and validated the model was proceeded to the simulation in the low area and high side of the Rio Pindo, the results showed increased precipitation, infiltration, direct runoff and subsurface flow in the high side and high values evapotranspiration and flow base in the low area. The influence of climate variability occurs in seasons uptown and down Pindo River with increased temperatures and rainfall, nevertheless not exist hydrological variability, these results can be attributed that the unit of study is muffling the changes.
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