Bibliographic citations
Martínez, J., (2018). Evaluación desde el enfoque de ciclo adaptativo del manejo de quelonios acuáticos en la cuenca del río Cuchabatay, Loreto [Tesis, Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina].
Martínez, J., Evaluación desde el enfoque de ciclo adaptativo del manejo de quelonios acuáticos en la cuenca del río Cuchabatay, Loreto [Tesis]. : Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina; 2018.
title = "Evaluación desde el enfoque de ciclo adaptativo del manejo de quelonios acuáticos en la cuenca del río Cuchabatay, Loreto",
author = "Martínez Ruiz, Jorge Luis",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina",
year = "2018"
The present study assessed the management of aquatic chelonians at Cushabatay basin (Loreto) as a socio-ecological system (SES), using the adaptive cycle approach in order to identify actions that conduct to management sustainability. Under this approach, SES passes through several stages: a) uncontrolled use of natural resources, b) limited access to natural resources, c) access to natural resources with external support, y d) breach of community agreements. In order to provide sustainability to the SES, this study identified the next actions: a) organizational strengthening of local authorities and communities to lead their processes to boost their quality of life, b) generate community norms and sanctions for non-compliance with the agreements, c) develop incentives for those who participate in the sustainable management and d) implementation of a monitoring program that helps to generate alerts to prevent future collapse stages.
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