Bibliographic citations
García, E., (2023). Desarrollo de una metodología para estimar caudales ecológicos con fines de planificación hídrica aplicada en la cuenca del río Pisco [Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina].
García, E., Desarrollo de una metodología para estimar caudales ecológicos con fines de planificación hídrica aplicada en la cuenca del río Pisco []. PE: Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina; 2023.
title = "Desarrollo de una metodología para estimar caudales ecológicos con fines de planificación hídrica aplicada en la cuenca del río Pisco",
author = "García Gonzales, Erick",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina",
year = "2023"
This research work aim was to develop a proposal for the determination of ecological flows for the purpose of planning water resources of the river basins of the country, called CMEHCDC, which was applied to the Pisco hydrographic unit (UH). The proposed methodology is holistic "desktop" and flexible, since it considers in its construction the available information on ecological, hydrological and socioeconomic aspects. With this information, an ecohydrological threat index (IAEH) was calculated and based on this index, the present ecohydrological state (PEEH) was determined at the level of the smaller UH of the Pisco river basin. Then, with information on average historical monthly discharges, simulated with the SWAT model, the reference flow duration curves (CDC) were calculated for four scenarios or classes of ecohydrological management (CMEH) and the most appropriate CMEH was assigned to each UH based on their PEEH and the knowledge of the basin, and ultimately the ecological flow required to maintain the HU in the assigned CMEH was determined. As a result of the application of the methodology in three HU of the Pisco river basin, it was determined that in the Incachaque HU the ecological flow amounts to 69.5 MMC per year, which is equivalent to 63.54 percent of the average annual flow; In the UH Medio Bajo Pisco the ecological flow amounts to 257.3 MMC per year, which is equivalent to 33.7 percent of the average annual flow, and in the UH Bajo Pisco the ecological flow amounts to 132 MMC per year, which is equivalent to 17.68 percent of the average annual flow. This methodology contributes to reconcile the water needs of the ecosystem and water users, which is extremely important in highly intervened basins and with compromised water rights, it also contributes to reserve an ecological flow for precautionary purposes in the opposite situations.
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