Bibliographic citations
Muñoz, B., (2023). Capacidad de recuperación de la vegetación natural en cronosecuencias de áreas degradadas por minería aurífera aluvial en Madre de Dios [Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina].
Muñoz, B., Capacidad de recuperación de la vegetación natural en cronosecuencias de áreas degradadas por minería aurífera aluvial en Madre de Dios []. PE: Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina; 2023.
title = "Capacidad de recuperación de la vegetación natural en cronosecuencias de áreas degradadas por minería aurífera aluvial en Madre de Dios",
author = "Muñoz Díaz, Betzy Jhazmin Fabiola",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina",
year = "2023"
In the Madre de Dios region between the years 1985 and 2017, Caballero (2018) et. al recorded 95 570 hectares of accumulated deforestation due to gold mining activities. However, areas were identified through natural regeneration was observed after mining activities were abandoned. Therefore, employing criteria for site selection, a case study was conducted at the "Santa Rita" site located in the Tambopata province. The evaluation of vegetation plots was carried out using the chronosequence methodology. Four plots measuring 20 m x 50 m were established, corresponding to different abandonment durations: seven years, eight years, thirteen years, and a reference forest. Woody species with diameter at breast height (DBH) > 1 cm were recorded, evaluating both DBH and total height (Ht). These plots were then expanded to 50 m x 50 m, and species with DBH > 5 cm were assessed to obtain total biomass. The following indicators were obtained for each plot: alpha diversity represented by the number of individuals, species, families, and genera; species richness index (Margalef and Menhinick indices); density of individuals; relative abundance index of species (Simpson and Shannon – Wiener indices and Equitability); beta diversity represented by Jaccard qualitative index and Bray-Curtis quantitative index; indicators of floristic composition, including abundance of families, genera, and most abundant species; indicators linked to structure such as average DBH, diameter distribution, basal area, biomass, ecological guilds, total height, vertical stratification, and Importance Value Index (IVI). It was concluded that increased time of abandonment for natural regeneration plots does not lead to a higher similarity with the reference forest. However, further complementary studies are needed to enhance the understanding of forest dynamics.
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