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Zafra, M., (2023). Crecimiento y rendimiento de dos variedades de achiote (Bixa orellana L.) en Iñapari, Madre de Dios [Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina].
Zafra, M., Crecimiento y rendimiento de dos variedades de achiote (Bixa orellana L.) en Iñapari, Madre de Dios []. PE: Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina; 2023.
title = "Crecimiento y rendimiento de dos variedades de achiote (Bixa orellana L.) en Iñapari, Madre de Dios",
author = "Zafra Lapatnikova, Maria",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina",
year = "2023"
Title: Crecimiento y rendimiento de dos variedades de achiote (Bixa orellana L.) en Iñapari, Madre de Dios
Authors(s): Zafra Lapatnikova, Maria
Advisor(s): Borjas Ventura, Ricardo Roberto
Keywords: Achiote
OCDE field:
Issue Date: 2023
Institution: Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina
Abstract: El achiote (Bixa orellana L.) es un cultivo originario de zonas tropicales, con gran potencial agroexportador por su uso en la industria y su contenido de fibra y proteínas. Sin embargo, está limitado a los rendimientos nacionales y el contenido de colorante (bixina) que son bajos. Aquí cobra importancia el estudio de la caracterización del material genético en un ecosistema determinado, siendo complicado en el caso del achiote debido a su alta variabilidad genética. El presente trabajo de investigación se realizó durante el periodo de cosecha grande comprendido entre mayo y julio de 2021 en arboles de 3 años de edad provenientes de accesiones de Brasil (introducidos en 2019), con el objetivo de evaluar su crecimiento y rendimiento bajo condiciones de Iñapari, Madre de Dios. El ensayo se instaló en dos zonas del fundo en cuestión con un diseño de bloques completos al azar con 2 tratamientos de 50 repeticiones cada uno. En los cultivares Sensient y Embrapa 37 se evaluaron caracteres cualitativos como la forma de hoja, color de flor, color de fruto inmaduro y maduro, forma de copa, color de hoja madura, color de nervadura y en la forma del fruto, de su ápice y de su base. En relación a la evaluación cuantitativa, se evaluó la altura de planta y diámetro de tallo, la longitud, anchura y grosor de los frutos, la espinosidad de frutos, el porcentaje de dehiscencia, el número de panículas por capsula, capsulas por panícula y granos por capsula evidenciándose diferencia estadística en ambos caracteres. El cultivar Sensient tuvo mejor rendimiento que el cultivar Embrapa 37, siendo 2.85 y 1.66 t/ha respectivamente que supera al rendimiento nacional. En porcentaje de bixina el cv Embrapa 37 presenta en promedio 4.2% y el cv Sensient 3.9%
Annatto (Bixa orellana L.) is a crop native to tropical areas, with great agro-export potential due to its use in industry and its fiber and protein content. However, it is limited to domestic yields and low dye (bixin) content. Here the study of the characterization of genetic material in a given ecosystem becomes important, being complicated in the case of achiote due to its high genetic variability. The present research work was carried out during the large harvest period between May and July 2021 in 3-year-old trees from accessions from Brazil (introduced in 2019), with the objective of evaluating their growth and yield under conditions of Iñapari, Mother of God. The trial was installed in two areas of the farm in question with a randomized complete block design with 2 treatments of 50 repetitions each. In the Sensient and Embrapa 37 cultivars, qualitative characters such as leaf shape, flower color, immature and mature fruit color, cup shape, mature leaf color, vein color and the shape of the fruit, its apex were evaluated. and from its base. In relation to the quantitative evaluation, the plant height and stem diameter, the length, width and thickness of the fruits, the thornyness of the fruits, the percentage of dehiscence, the number of panicles per capsule, capsules per panicle and grains were evaluated. per capsule evidencing statistical difference in both characters. The Sensient cultivar had a better yield than the Embrapa 37 cultivar, being 2.85 and 1.66 t/ha respectively, which exceeds the national yield. In percentage of bixin, cv Embrapa 37 presents an average of 4.2% and cv Sensient 3.9%
Annatto (Bixa orellana L.) is a crop native to tropical areas, with great agro-export potential due to its use in industry and its fiber and protein content. However, it is limited to domestic yields and low dye (bixin) content. Here the study of the characterization of genetic material in a given ecosystem becomes important, being complicated in the case of achiote due to its high genetic variability. The present research work was carried out during the large harvest period between May and July 2021 in 3-year-old trees from accessions from Brazil (introduced in 2019), with the objective of evaluating their growth and yield under conditions of Iñapari, Mother of God. The trial was installed in two areas of the farm in question with a randomized complete block design with 2 treatments of 50 repetitions each. In the Sensient and Embrapa 37 cultivars, qualitative characters such as leaf shape, flower color, immature and mature fruit color, cup shape, mature leaf color, vein color and the shape of the fruit, its apex were evaluated. and from its base. In relation to the quantitative evaluation, the plant height and stem diameter, the length, width and thickness of the fruits, the thornyness of the fruits, the percentage of dehiscence, the number of panicles per capsule, capsules per panicle and grains were evaluated. per capsule evidencing statistical difference in both characters. The Sensient cultivar had a better yield than the Embrapa 37 cultivar, being 2.85 and 1.66 t/ha respectively, which exceeds the national yield. In percentage of bixin, cv Embrapa 37 presents an average of 4.2% and cv Sensient 3.9%
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Note: Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Facultad de Agronomía. Departamento Académico de Fitotecnia
Discipline: Agronomía
Grade or title grantor: Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Facultad de Agronomía
Grade or title: Ingeniero Agrónomo
Juror: Alegre Orihuela, Julio César; Julca Otiniano, Alberto Marcial; Coronado Matutti, Karin Cecilia
Register date: 30-Mar-2023
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