Bibliographic citations
Pinchi, M., (2009). Formación de poblaciones complejas superiores de cruces interespecíficos del genero Phaseolus y su comportamiento en las zonas altoandinas del Perú [Tesis, Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina].
Pinchi, M., Formación de poblaciones complejas superiores de cruces interespecíficos del genero Phaseolus y su comportamiento en las zonas altoandinas del Perú [Tesis]. : Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina; 2009.
title = "Formación de poblaciones complejas superiores de cruces interespecíficos del genero Phaseolus y su comportamiento en las zonas altoandinas del Perú",
author = "Pinchi Ramirez, Mack Henry",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina",
year = "2009"
The objectives of the present study were, first, to form complex elite populations, from the segregant populations of Phaseolus interspecific crosses in F3 and F4 generations; and second to evaluate the agronomic performance of highly yielded populations. For this, were used by 125 families selected from the following crosses: (a) [(P. coccineus wild x P. vulgaris)] x (P. coccineus) 92 families, (b) [((P.coccineus wild x P.vulgaris) x P. vulgaris)] x (P. coccineus) 25 families and (c) (P.vulgaris x P. polyanthus) x (P.vulgaris x P. coccineus) 8 families obtained during the 1988/89, 1989/90 and 1990/91 at Tingua and Chiquian localities (Ancash). The sequence of experimental material evaluations was in three steps: 1) selection of genetic material 2) evaluation of selected populations and 3) evaluation of high yield populations, considering different production systems. As results, eleven elite bulk population complexes formed from 61, 80 and 125 populations previously selected, according to the cross types. From these bulks, the following populations, denominated as bulks 1H, 2H, 6H, 7H, 9H and 10H were identified as highly yielded populations. Bulks 9H, 10H and 2H showed precocity; Bulks 9H and 10H showed high weight one-hundred seeds, whereas the bulks 2H and 9H highlighted in pod number per plant. In yields, bulks 2H and 9H produced 2,5 and 2,4 t.ha-1, whereas the control yielded 0.71 t ha-1. The interaction genotype x stake showed significant difference for the following characteristics: weight of 100 seeds, pod number per plant, number of grains per pod and yield of dry grain. The mean yield of Bulks 1H, 2H and control under the crop system were 1470, 2970 and 835 kg.ha-1; whereas the flowering time were 90, 96 and 122 days respectively. When populations were evaluated in association with maize, the mean yields were: 255, 343 and 195 kg.h-1 for Bulks 1H, 2H and control respectively. These new elite populations were named as UNAGEM 1 and UNAGEM 2 varieties, respectively
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