Bibliographic citations
Reyna, N., (2019). Semillas mejoradas para los pequeños productores de Maíz amarillo duro (Zea mays L. ) en Los Ríos, Ecuador, periodo 2012 - 2016 [Tesis, Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina].
Reyna, N., Semillas mejoradas para los pequeños productores de Maíz amarillo duro (Zea mays L. ) en Los Ríos, Ecuador, periodo 2012 - 2016 [Tesis]. : Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina; 2019.
title = "Semillas mejoradas para los pequeños productores de Maíz amarillo duro (Zea mays L. ) en Los Ríos, Ecuador, periodo 2012 - 2016",
author = "Reyna Delgado, Nila Alexandra",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina",
year = "2019"
This research shows results regarding the technical efficiency and benefits of the use of genetically improved seeds in the production of Hard Yellow Corn (Zea mays durum) for small producers in the Province of Los Ríos - Ecuador. The hypothesis is maintained that the improved seed with Bt will have higher yields and profitability, benefiting both producers, consumers of hard yellow corn and the Ecuadorian state. We used the partial budget methodologies of Horton (1982) and the surplus model of Alston, Norton and Pardey (1995) modified to incorporate the risks inherent in agricultural production as well as the release of a new seed. A baseline survey was carried out in the study province to determine costs, production and input prices in five cantons with the highest production of MAD in the province of Los Ríos; Mocache, Palenque, Ventanas, Vinces and Pueblo Viejo, which together represent 78% of provincial-level production. The results of the investigation were profitability for the producer with a Marginal B / C of 1.17 with a 91.3% probability that producers can have a maximum profit increase of 0.54 cents for each additional dollar in production costs, having 5% of probabilities that its b / c is less than 1, this being a negative scenario for farmers since there would be no benefits from the introduction of improved seeds for this crop.
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