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Arevalo, E., (2014). Dinámica de los indicadores de calidad del suelo en el manejo de sistemas agroforestales con cacao [Tesis, Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina].
Arevalo, E., Dinámica de los indicadores de calidad del suelo en el manejo de sistemas agroforestales con cacao [Tesis]. : Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina; 2014.
title = "Dinámica de los indicadores de calidad del suelo en el manejo de sistemas agroforestales con cacao",
author = "Arevalo Gardini, Enrique",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina",
year = "2014"
Title: Dinámica de los indicadores de calidad del suelo en el manejo de sistemas agroforestales con cacao
Other Titles: Dinamics of soil quality indicators in cacao agroforestry management system
Authors(s): Arevalo Gardini, Enrique
Advisor(s): Canto Sáenz, Manuel Antonio
Keywords: Sistemas agroforestales; Cacao; Calidad del suelo; Perú; Evaluación; Sistemas de explotación; Calidad; Cacao theobroma; Agroforestería; Suelo; Química del suelo; Física del suelo; Propiedades físico-químicas suelo; Hongos; Nemátodos no parásitos; Dinámica de poblaciones; Rizósfera
OCDE field:
Issue Date: 2014
Institution: Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina
Abstract: La comunidad de microorganismos juega un rol crucial para mantener la calidad y fertilidad del suelo. Por lo tanto, es importante conocer la comunidad microbiana y su interrelación con el cultivo de cacao manejado bajo dos sistemas de producción. Para lograr este objetivo, se instaló un ensayo en la estación experimental “El Choclino”, del Instituto de Cultivos Tropicales (ICT), Tarapoto, San Martín, Perú. Se diseñaron dos sistemas de producción de cacao, uno bajo la forma tradicional (ITAS) y el otro, agroforestal (INAS), en ambos sistemas se trasplantaron diez genotipos de cacao y fueron comparados con un hibrido local. Los muestreos de suelos para los análisis físicos, químicos y comunidad microbiana del suelo, se realizaron en ambos sistemas, por genotipos, por tres profundidades (0-20, 20-40 y 40-60 cm) durante los años (2004, 2006, 2008 y 2010). Se evaluaron los cambios en las propiedades físico-químicas del suelo y como van variando las poblaciones microbianas (hongos y nematodos) en cada sistema, genotipo, profundidad y año. En base a estas mediciones se calculó el Índice de Calidad de Suelos (ICS) para los sistemas evaluados. Dentro de las propiedades físicas la densidad aparente (g/cm3) y porosidad (%) son los indicadores cuyas medias resultaron estadísticamente diferentes en la mayoría de evaluaciones, del mismo modo, el pH, contenido de materia orgánica, NPK y micro elementos son los indicadores químicos cuyas medias resultaron estadísticamente diferentes en los sistemas evaluados. La abundancia total de hongos (ufc/g) y nematodos (individuos/100cc suelo), riqueza e índices de diversidad de Shannon-Weaver y Simpson fueron influenciados por los sistemas a través de los años. Se concluye que la alteración del ambiente natural produce una serie de cambios físicos, químicos y biológicos del suelo y por consiguiente también influyeron en la calidad de los suelos para una agricultura sustentable.
The microorganism‟s community plays essencial role to maintain soil quality and fertility. Therefore, it is important to evaluate the microbial community and its relationship with the cocoa, under two management production systems. To achieve this objective, a research was conducted out at the experimental station of Instituto de Cultivos Tropicales (ICT) "El Choclino", located in Tarapoto, San Martin, Peru. Two production systems of cacao were designed; one under the traditional management or conventional system (ITAS) and the other an agroforestry system (INAS), in both systems ten cacao genotypes were transplanted and compared with a local hybrid. Physical, chemical and microbiological analysis of soils, were made in both systems, on genotypes, for three depths (0-20, 20-40 and 40-60 cm) in 2004, 2006, 2008 and 2010. Changes in physical-chemical properties of soil were assessed and how microbial populations (fungi and nematodes) varied per system, genotype, depth and year. Based on these assessments Soil Quality Index (ICS) was calculated for the systems evaluated. Among the physical properties, the bulk density (g/cm3) and porosity (%) were statistically different in most evaluations, similarly, the pH, organic matter content, NPK and micro elements are chemical indicators were statistically different in the systems evaluated. The total population of fungi (cfu/g) and nematodes (individuos/100cc soil), richness and diversity index of Shannon-Weaver and Simpson were disturbed by the systems through the years. The alteration of the natural environment produce physical, chemical and biological changes in the soil and soil quality for sustainable agriculture is also influenced.
The microorganism‟s community plays essencial role to maintain soil quality and fertility. Therefore, it is important to evaluate the microbial community and its relationship with the cocoa, under two management production systems. To achieve this objective, a research was conducted out at the experimental station of Instituto de Cultivos Tropicales (ICT) "El Choclino", located in Tarapoto, San Martin, Peru. Two production systems of cacao were designed; one under the traditional management or conventional system (ITAS) and the other an agroforestry system (INAS), in both systems ten cacao genotypes were transplanted and compared with a local hybrid. Physical, chemical and microbiological analysis of soils, were made in both systems, on genotypes, for three depths (0-20, 20-40 and 40-60 cm) in 2004, 2006, 2008 and 2010. Changes in physical-chemical properties of soil were assessed and how microbial populations (fungi and nematodes) varied per system, genotype, depth and year. Based on these assessments Soil Quality Index (ICS) was calculated for the systems evaluated. Among the physical properties, the bulk density (g/cm3) and porosity (%) were statistically different in most evaluations, similarly, the pH, organic matter content, NPK and micro elements are chemical indicators were statistically different in the systems evaluated. The total population of fungi (cfu/g) and nematodes (individuos/100cc soil), richness and diversity index of Shannon-Weaver and Simpson were disturbed by the systems through the years. The alteration of the natural environment produce physical, chemical and biological changes in the soil and soil quality for sustainable agriculture is also influenced.
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Note: Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Escuela de Posgrado. Doctorado en Agricultura Sustentable
Discipline: Agricultura Sustentable
Grade or title grantor: Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Escuela de Posgrado
Grade or title: Doctoris Philosophiae - Agricultura Sustentable
Juror: Loli figueroa, Oscar; Alegre Orihuela, Julio César; Julca Otiniano, Alberto Marcial; Baligar, Virupax
Register date: 8-Aug-2016
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