Bibliographic citations
Valenzuela, L., (2021). Aplicación del Ciclo de Deming y Balanced scorecard para cumplir estándares de acreditación al Programa de Doctorado en Economía-UNALM: 2018-2020 [Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina].
Valenzuela, L., Aplicación del Ciclo de Deming y Balanced scorecard para cumplir estándares de acreditación al Programa de Doctorado en Economía-UNALM: 2018-2020 []. PE: Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina; 2021.
title = "Aplicación del Ciclo de Deming y Balanced scorecard para cumplir estándares de acreditación al Programa de Doctorado en Economía-UNALM: 2018-2020",
author = "Valenzuela Muñante, Lizbeth Fiorella",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina",
year = "2021"
This professional work presents the application of the continuous improvement tools Deming Cycle and Balanced Scorecard (BSC) that articulated to the Progress Scale tool of the National System of Evaluation, Accreditation and Certification of Educational Quality (SINEACE), it was possible to achieve high levels of self-evaluation of the PhD Program in Economics at the National Agrarian University La Molina (PDERN y DS – UNALM) to meet the model accreditation standards according to SINEACE. This work is descriptive, not experimental and refers to a specific period (2018-2020). The level of self-evaluation achieved corresponds to the general average progress level of 9 regarding to the 10 levels specified, which implies being in conditions to present the PDERN y DS for accreditation granted by SINEACE. The Deming Cycle consists of the processes: plan, do, verify and act, with the participation of the involved stakeholders and, the BSC incorporates strategic perspectives: financial, internal, innovation and learning and, the client, allowing to measure or evaluate the strategic objectives. The text presents, first of all, the accreditation standards achieved with the CONEAU2 model, prior to SINEACE, in order to have a starting point in self-evaluation. Secondly, the application of the three articulated methodologies is presented and, thirdly, the impact of the application of the methodologies in the self-evaluation process is evidenced, reaching a general average progress level of 9 with a starting point of 5. The application of the acquired knowledge during the career through several courses is evidenced, which allowed to have an integral focusing as an important part of professional training. Finally, the conclusions and recommendations are presented
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