Bibliographic citations
Mendoza, M., (2018). Alternativas de cobertura por volatidad del tipo de cambio, para cubrir las obligaciones en dólares americanos de una institución pública [Trabajo de suficiencia profesional, Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina].
Mendoza, M., Alternativas de cobertura por volatidad del tipo de cambio, para cubrir las obligaciones en dólares americanos de una institución pública [Trabajo de suficiencia profesional]. : Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina; 2018.
title = "Alternativas de cobertura por volatidad del tipo de cambio, para cubrir las obligaciones en dólares americanos de una institución pública",
author = "Mendoza Huamán, Mayra Lucia",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina",
year = "2018"
The objective of this study was to analyze exchange rate hedging alternatives, which the Seguro Social de Salud del Perú - EsSalud, could apply to reduce the risk due to volatility of the exchange rate PEN/USD, because EsSalud presents liabilities in USD, but their revenues are in PEN, therefore, the institution is affected by fluctuations of the exchange rate. The exchange rate hedging alternatives were studied for the period July 2017 - December 2017, and it was considered as a source, data from EsSalud Treasury, historical data of the exchange rate PEN/USD, as well as projections made by consensus of analysts. In the first chapter, the problem was described, and general and specific objectives were stated; in addition, the importance of the study at economic and social level was described; as well as, the limitations. In the second chapter, the bibliographic review was made regarding the exchange rate, currency market; and the global and local financial situation. In the third chapter, the methodology of the research was described, which was defined as descriptive, with a non-experimental transverse design. In the fourth chapter, three hedging alternatives were applied and evaluated (natural hedging, forward and non-hedging option). Subsequently, the feasibility or not of each alternative was explained, and a table was shown that summarizes the financial impact, for EsSalud, of the application of each of the three alternatives. Finally, it was concluded that given the cash flows of EsSalud and the upward projections of the PEN/USD exchange rate, it is convenient to evaluate exchange rate hedging alternatives. At the same time, natural hedging was recommended as the best alternative, that is, it was suggested to buy dollars in the spot market and its subsequent placement in fixed-term deposits, in order to comply with the obligations.
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