Bibliographic citations
Morales, A., (2018). Diseño de un sistema de riego por aspersión para áreas verdes urbanas-parque zonal Huiracocha San Juan de Lurigancho-Lima [Tesis, Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina].
Morales, A., Diseño de un sistema de riego por aspersión para áreas verdes urbanas-parque zonal Huiracocha San Juan de Lurigancho-Lima [Tesis]. : Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina; 2018.
title = "Diseño de un sistema de riego por aspersión para áreas verdes urbanas-parque zonal Huiracocha San Juan de Lurigancho-Lima",
author = "Morales Morante, Anggie Karolin",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina",
year = "2018"
The matter of this research is the design of a sprinkles irrigation system for the gardens of the Park Huiracocha. The project location in investigation is located in the department of Lima, district of San Juan de Lurigancho, 12° 0'21.68" to 12° 0'46.92" south latitude, 76°59'55.50" to 77° 0'12.60” west longitude, 215 meters above sea level. The Park contains a potential of 9.04 ha. in gardens for sprinkles irrigation and a total surface of 21.3 ha. The planning and design of the sprinkles irrigation system covered the following process: (i) The approach consisted in obtaining basic information to acquire the design parameters, selection of the areas for the watering turns and to trace the topology of the net. (ii)The agricultural design consisted in assessment of the climate, soil, water and farming characteristics to determine the needs of water and irrigation programming. (iii) The hydraulic design included the designing of the diameters of the irrigation net, the calculation of the losses of charge and the pressures required in the arc of watering, in examination of the tolerance to pressure of the subunit. (iv) Hydraulic molding covered the calculation of the main net diameters, the required pressure on the head, resolving with these data the pumping system for the seventeen shifts of irrigation which distribution was drawn initially using AutoCAD, to be furtherly exported and simulated with the WaterCAD 8i software. As a result, optimal measures of the pipes were calculated, keeping the tolerance in the pressure of the subunit and the speed of the flow in the net, additionally, the requirement of the full pressure was obtained. The pumping station was designed to satisfy the demand of 83.4 meters of column of water and a maximum caudal of 19.78 l.s-1. As a result, the pump Hidrostal model 50/200 was selected.
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