Bibliographic citations
Tapia, M., (2023). Propagación clonal in vitro de líneas avanzadas de stevia (Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni) para una producción de calidad sostenible [Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina].
Tapia, M., Propagación clonal in vitro de líneas avanzadas de stevia (Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni) para una producción de calidad sostenible []. PE: Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina; 2023.
title = "Propagación clonal in vitro de líneas avanzadas de stevia (Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni) para una producción de calidad sostenible",
author = "Tapia y Figueroa, María de Lourdes",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina",
year = "2023"
Stevia (Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni) is a species native to Paraguay and Brazil. It is used as a natural sweetener and, due to its medicinal properties, it contributes to reducing glycemia and hypertension problems. The present research had the following objectives: (1) To develop a protocol for in vitro clonal propagation of stevia genotypes in conventional in vitro micropropagation, (2) To develop a protocol for the clonal propagation of stevia genotypes in a bioreactor system of temporary immersion, (3) To evaluate the content of stevioside and rebaudioside in genotypes propagated in conventional micropropagation in vitro and in temporary immersion bioreactor systems and (4) Evaluate the effect of two controlled environments on the yield and quality of stevia genotypes. The research was carried out in the in vitro Tissue Culture Laboratory of the Institute of Biotechnology - IBT, of the La Molina National Agrarian University, located in La Molina, Lima province, Lima department. Peru. Four culture media were used: M1: MS without growth regulators + 30 g of sucrose, M2: MS + 1 mg/l BAP+0.1 mg/l ANA + 30 g sucrose, M3: MS + 1.5 mg/l BAP+ 0.1 mg/l ANA + 30 g sucrose and M4: MS + 2.5 mg/l BAP+0.1 mg/l ANA + 30 g sucrose. Three Stevia genotypes were studied. A protocol was developed for conventional in vitro propagation using the culture medium M1 (MS without growth regulators + 30 g of sucrose) and identifying the genotype IBT1 (Morita II) and IBT3 (Advanced Mutant Line) with the best behavior in the medium M1. Likewise, a protocol was developed for propagation with Temporary Immersion Bioreactors (BIT) with the M2 medium standing out (MS + 1 mg/lt BAP+0.1 mg/lt ANA + 30 g sucrose) and thegenotype with the best performance was IBT1 (Morita II). The IBT3 genotype (Advanced Mutant Line) presents the highest content of rebaudioside and stebioside equal to 17.21 g/100g and g/100g; respectively higher than IBT1 (Morita II) both in plants from conventional propagation in vitro and plants from propagation in BIT. For IBT1, the best values for the evaluated characteristics were observed in the Sullana -Peru environment and an increase in the number of leaves from 13.25 to 57.67 after the first cutting and the content of rebaudioside (16.467 g/100) and stevioside (3,612 g/100) highest was observed in Misiones - Paraguay. The IBT2 (Miskibamba) had better values for most of the characteristics in Sullana and after the first cut (harvest), an increase in leaves from 23.62 to 45 leaves and with a content of rebaudioside (19.668 g/100g) and stevioside (4,592 g/100g) highest was observed in Misiones and Sullana, respectively. The IBT3 gave the best values of the characteristics evaluated in general in the environment of Misiones- Paraguay, after the first cut (harvest) the best values were found in Sullana, likewise, an increase in leaves from 21.5 to 34 leaves was observed, and the highest content of rebaudioside (20.218 g/100 g) and stevioside (4.588 g/100 g) was observed in Misiones and Sullana, respectively.
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