Bibliographic citations
Casimiro, S., (2017). Maximización de la capacidad antioxidante y compuestos bioactivos en la elaboración de papilla de ayrampo (Berberís aff. Flexuosa) [Tesis, Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina].
Casimiro, S., Maximización de la capacidad antioxidante y compuestos bioactivos en la elaboración de papilla de ayrampo (Berberís aff. Flexuosa) [Tesis]. : Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina; 2017.
title = "Maximización de la capacidad antioxidante y compuestos bioactivos en la elaboración de papilla de ayrampo (Berberís aff. Flexuosa)",
author = "Casimiro Gonzales, Sandra Elizabeth",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina",
year = "2017"
The investigation determined the influence of the processes in obtaining ayrampo porridge (Berberis aff. Flexuosa), on bioactive compounds (anthocyanins, total phenolics and vitamin C) and antioxidant capacity. During the evaluation of the thermal treatment, characteristics of heat penetration were determined: fh, fc, jh, jc, Tpsih, Tpsic, UP for processing, processing times by the method of Stumbo at temperatures of 85, 90, 95 and 100 ° C and their respective times. The variables studied were: pulp (%), starch (%), sugar (%), temperature (° C) and pH a screening was applied by the Taguchi method orthogonal array L8 (27), with a response variable (anthocyanins ) and the criterion "higher is better" for a significance level of 95% (p <0.05). For the maximization of anthocyanins (mg cyanidin-3-glucoside/100g) during the process of making porridge ayrampo the methodology of response surface was used, applying a DCA factorial arrangement (3)2 with two factors significantly influence (% pulp and temperature). At each stage of the process anthocyanins (mg cyanidin-3-glucoside/100g), total phenolics (mg gallic acid/100g), vitamin C (mg ascorbic acid/100g) and antioxidant capacity (umol Trolox/100g) was determined. The results were statistically analyzed with analysis of variance by stage and the contribution of each antioxidant capacity bioactive compound. In the slurry ayrampo 110.30 mg anthocyanins, 1237.79 mg total phenols 60.15 mg vitamin C, 1819.86 in antioxidant capacity was obtained in the colorimetric assay reported L *, a *, b * of 16.84, 1.11 and 0.29. In the sensory evaluation by applying affective test in the porridge ayrampo was obtained 45% of testers responded I like it a lot, 35% responded I like it somewhat and 20% responded they did not like it.
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