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Córdova, D., (2024). Integración de modelos ISSM-TAM para e-learning sostenible desde un enfoque estructural bayesiano [Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina].
Córdova, D., Integración de modelos ISSM-TAM para e-learning sostenible desde un enfoque estructural bayesiano []. PE: Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina; 2024.
title = "Integración de modelos ISSM-TAM para e-learning sostenible desde un enfoque estructural bayesiano",
author = "Córdova Ayala, Diego Alonso",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina",
year = "2024"
Title: Integración de modelos ISSM-TAM para e-learning sostenible desde un enfoque estructural bayesiano
Authors(s): Córdova Ayala, Diego Alonso
Advisor(s): Chue Gallardo, Jorge
Keywords: Sistemas de Información
OCDE field:
Issue Date: 2024
Institution: Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina
Abstract: El presente estudio tuvo como propósito general explicar las relaciones entre las variables latentes y observables de un sistema e-learning orientado a mejorar el desempeño académico de los estudiantes, integrando para ello los modelos ISSM y TAM en el proceso de aprendizaje electrónico sostenible, mediante modelos de ecuaciones de enfoque clásico PLS SEM, CB-SEM y bayesiano B-SEM. Los datos fueron tomados de una encuesta dirigida a estudiantes en el ciclo académico 2023-II de la Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina (UNALM), el instrumento consideró 40 ítems, y utilizó una escala de Likert del 1 al 5, dicho cuestionario obtuvo valores aceptables de confiabilidad y se obtuvo validez de contenido por juicio de expertos. La muestra estuvo conformada por 767 encuestados empleando el método de raíz cuadrada inversa. En primera instancia, se aplicó el enfoque PLS-SEM, que luego fue comprobado mediante modelo de covarianzas CB-SEM, con el método de estimación de máxima verosimilitud extendido robusto y luego, con estimación bayesiana (B-SEM), que continuó con el análisis de trayectorias de cada modelo estructural, estimando así las relaciones planteadas para desempeño académico, utilidad percibida, satisfacción del estudiante, uso del sistema e-learning, calidad del instructor, calidad del contenido del curso, calidad del sistema educativo, calidad del servicio de soporte, sistema técnico de calidad, aprendizaje autorregulado, por último, se realizó un evaluación comparativa de desempeño empleando los indicadores RMSEA, SRMR, CFI y TLI, entre el modelo CB-SEM y modelos SEM bayesianos a priori difusos; referencial de Bernardo, uniforme de Bayes-Laplace y a priori especifico informativo, siendo este último el que presentó mejor ajuste frente al enfoque CB-SEM y al resto de modelos bayesianos, de esta manera se logró satisfactoriamente construir y validar los modelos de medida y modelo estructural del sistema e-learning sostenible y el desempeño académico, así como validar sus relaciones causales desde la perspectiva bayesiana.
The general purpose of this research was to explain the relationships between the latent and observable variables of an e-learning system aimed at improving students' academic performance, by integrating the ISSM and TAM models in the sustainable electronic learning process, using classical PLS-SEM, CB-SEM, and Bayesian B-SEM structural equation modeling approaches. The data were collected from a survey directed at students in the 2023-II academic cycle of the National Agrarian University La Molina (UNALM). The instrument considered 40 items and used a Likert scale from 1 to 5. The questionnaire obtained acceptable reliability values and content validity through expert judgment. The sample consisted of 767 respondents using the inverse square root method. Initially, the PLS SEM approach was applied, which was then verified through the CB-SEM covariance model, using the robust extended maximum likelihood estimation method, and subsequently with Bayesian estimation (B-SEM). This was followed by a path analysis of each structural model, thus estimating the proposed relationships for academic performance, perceived usefulness, student satisfaction, e-learning system use, instructor quality, course content quality, educational system quality, support service quality, technical system quality, and self-regulated learning. Finally, a comparative performance evaluation was conducted using the RMSEA, SRMR, CFI, and TLI indicators between the CB-SEM model and Bayesian SEM models with diffuse priors; Bernardo's reference, Bayes-Laplace uniform, and specific informative priors, the latter showing the best fit compared to the CB-SEM approach and other Bayesian models. In this way, the measurement and structural models of the sustainable e-learning system and academic performance were successfully constructed and validated, as well as their causal relationships from the Bayesian perspective.
The general purpose of this research was to explain the relationships between the latent and observable variables of an e-learning system aimed at improving students' academic performance, by integrating the ISSM and TAM models in the sustainable electronic learning process, using classical PLS-SEM, CB-SEM, and Bayesian B-SEM structural equation modeling approaches. The data were collected from a survey directed at students in the 2023-II academic cycle of the National Agrarian University La Molina (UNALM). The instrument considered 40 items and used a Likert scale from 1 to 5. The questionnaire obtained acceptable reliability values and content validity through expert judgment. The sample consisted of 767 respondents using the inverse square root method. Initially, the PLS SEM approach was applied, which was then verified through the CB-SEM covariance model, using the robust extended maximum likelihood estimation method, and subsequently with Bayesian estimation (B-SEM). This was followed by a path analysis of each structural model, thus estimating the proposed relationships for academic performance, perceived usefulness, student satisfaction, e-learning system use, instructor quality, course content quality, educational system quality, support service quality, technical system quality, and self-regulated learning. Finally, a comparative performance evaluation was conducted using the RMSEA, SRMR, CFI, and TLI indicators between the CB-SEM model and Bayesian SEM models with diffuse priors; Bernardo's reference, Bayes-Laplace uniform, and specific informative priors, the latter showing the best fit compared to the CB-SEM approach and other Bayesian models. In this way, the measurement and structural models of the sustainable e-learning system and academic performance were successfully constructed and validated, as well as their causal relationships from the Bayesian perspective.
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Note: Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Escuela de Posgrado. Maestría en Estadística Aplicada
Discipline: Estadística Aplicada
Grade or title grantor: Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Escuela de Posgrado
Grade or title: Magister Scientiae - Estadística Aplicada
Juror: Menacho Chiok, César Higinio; López de Castilla Vásquez, Carlos; Coaquira Nina, Frida Rosa
Register date: 24-Jul-2024
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