Bibliographic citations
Cervantes, M., (2019). Adopción de la tecnología para controlar el Gusano Mazorquero del Maíz con aceite de consumo humano, Distrito de Jesús, Cajamarca, Perú [Tesis, Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina].
Cervantes, M., Adopción de la tecnología para controlar el Gusano Mazorquero del Maíz con aceite de consumo humano, Distrito de Jesús, Cajamarca, Perú [Tesis]. : Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina; 2019.
title = "Adopción de la tecnología para controlar el Gusano Mazorquero del Maíz con aceite de consumo humano, Distrito de Jesús, Cajamarca, Perú",
author = "Cervantes Peralta, Marieta Eliana",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina",
year = "2019"
An investigation was conducted in La Bendiza and Chuco, district Jesus, province and department of Cajamarca, Peru. The objectives were to determine the socioeconomic factors that are related to the process of adoption of the technology “Control of Helicoverpa zea Boddie in corn (Zea mays) with oil for human consumption” by amilaceous corn producers. The degree of adoption, the socioeconomic factors that may influence the process, the volume of corn production and the distortion of this technology during the process of innovation. A total of 101 corn growers of both communities were chosen by random sampling. Results indicated that the level of adoption is high because 87 percent of the growers are using the technology; 73 percent were women, 46 percent completed elementary school, thus indicating that they can read and write in Spanish. However, six percent of the growers are illiterate. A total of 86.73 percent of the growers received information about the technology from their neighbors and or family members. When they have sanitary problems, 63.16 percent obtain information from neighbors and or family members, 18.95 percent from agroveterinaries, 8.42 percent form INIA and 2.11 percent from SENASA. A total of 52 percent of the growers accept the technology because it is ecologically sound. Also because it is effective and easy to apply. Corn yields are very low: 74.4 percent of the growers harvest 500 or less corn cobs in around 0.5 ha. Therefore, they are interested in the adoption of cheap technologies that are easy to implement. In regard to distortion of the technology, 28.57 percent of growers accepted that they were using burnt car oil instead of human consumption oil. A total of 55 percent of the growers said that the reason for using burnt car oil was because it is very cheap. However, they are not using this oil anymore because the corn cobs are rejected due to its appearance and bad smell. Technologies that are recommended for rural areas must consider socioeconomic factors.
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