Bibliographic citations
Ubillús, M., (2021). Componentes morfoagronómicos, rendimiento de grano seco y grano desamargado de variedades y ecotipos de Lupinus mutabilis Sweet en Marcará - Áncash [Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina].
Ubillús, M., Componentes morfoagronómicos, rendimiento de grano seco y grano desamargado de variedades y ecotipos de Lupinus mutabilis Sweet en Marcará - Áncash []. PE: Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina; 2021.
title = "Componentes morfoagronómicos, rendimiento de grano seco y grano desamargado de variedades y ecotipos de Lupinus mutabilis Sweet en Marcará - Áncash",
author = "Ubillús Trinidad, Melanie",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina",
year = "2021"
Lupine (Lupinus mutabilis Sweet) is a legume native to the South American Andes and because of its high percentage of proteins and oils it would contribute to the safety supply of food in Peru. The region of Áncash outstands for the consumption of fresh grain and the commercialization is inside and outside the region. The present research was conducted during the 2017 campaign, aiming to identify the morphagronomic components, dry grain and grain debittering yield from the Lupine (Lupinus mutabilis Sweet) varieties and promising ecotypes from other locations which may differ and/or overcome the local ecotype under Marcara – Áncash conditions. The test was conducted in Vicos, Marcara by applying a design of random full blocks with five treatments and three repetitions; as for the grain debittering in the laboratory, the design of random full blocks was used with five treatments and four repetitions, and the sensory test was carried out by 12 panelists. The Lupine ecotypes and promising varieties showed plants with shrub and herbaceous growth, erect bearing, branched with elliptical shape leaflets, apex of short and central pod, the wings and keel's colors varied among pink, violet and blue, in the three banner areas, colors varied among blue, violet, pink, and in the central region between yellow and white. The Andenes and Yunguyo varieties were more premature, Altagracia, Patón Grande and Cholo Fuerte showed the best dry grain yield with 3416, 3400 and 2965 Kg/ha respectively. Lupine’s varieties and ecotypes’ debittered grain increased volume and weight 2.8 and 2.7 respectively. The applied sensory test indicates the accuracy of the debittering method and the Lupine ecotype La Molina III obtained 100% acceptability.
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